The Professional Project Manager: How We Become True Professionals
- 3h 38m
- Carsten H. Laugesen
- Business Expert Press
- 2024
This book gives depth to these crucial questions. It explains and illustrates the experiences and professional capacities we must acquire to become good at what we do. The entry point is project management, and this entry point is used to define what in general makes us become good professionals. The book shows that our professional capacity is so much more than our technical abilities and shows that becoming a true professional today is defined by three key factors:
- Our ability to accumulate relevant professional reference points and contexts.
- Our ability to juggle technical, people, power, and unforeseen professional agendas.
- Our ability to memorize our experiences in useful mental models.
The world will end up having around 8 billion professionals, which means that more than 150,000 new professionals will enter the workforce every day for the next 75 years. This will dramatically change our professional context.
This book is for everyone who wants to sharpen their professional skills and mental models to stay relevant.About the Author
Carsten Hollænder Laugesen has been project manager, program manager, chief technical advisor, technical expert, and team leader for 225 projects worldwide. He has worked in 24 countries, authored 11 books, published 22 articles, seven adopted policies and laws and written 584 client approved technical reports. He lives in Johannesburg with his wife and five dogs.
In this Book
Why Experience Matters
Origin Story
Accumulation of Reference Points
Accumulation of TPPU Reference Points
The Future Anchors