The Principles and Practice of Effective Leadership

  • 8h 13m
  • Christopher Bennett, John Zinkin
  • De Gruyter Inc
  • 2021

This thought-provoking and timely book asserts that the dichotomy between leaders and managers described in much business literature fails to recognize how the two roles overlap. The book discusses techniques for senior executives based on history and neuroscience to enhance their "managerial leadership" in different environments. The ethical dilemmas of directors and executives are explored, with lessons from both leadership failures and successes.

The Principles and Practice of Effective Leadership redefines "leadership" as a morally neutral activity, reflecting the impact of strategic, cultural and operational contexts on a leader’s effectiveness. The authors suggest there are universal but morally neutral techniques for effective leadership that depend on the context in which they are practiced. In Part 1, the careers and personalities of historical figures including Elizabeth Tudor, Napoleon, and Atatürk are examined. Part 2 deliberates on why leadership cannot be separated from effective management and concludes that leadership is managerial, and best encapsulated in the concept of "wayfinding." In Part 3, the authors discuss the techniques "wayfinders" can learn to be both effective and ethical, using a simple and practical framework.

This insightful book is essential reading for professionals, coaches, consultants, and academics interested in techniques and ethics of leadership and executive education.

About the Author

John Zinkin is the Managing Director of Zinkin Ettinger Sdn Bhd, a boutique consultancy specializing in corporate governance, brand-based change, vision, mission and values and marketing strategy. He is a coach, affiliated with Foresight Global Coaching in Sydney, Australia. He was a faculty member of the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM), and of the Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC).He was a member of the working party that launched the Malaysian Green Book on Corporate Governance in 1999 and was involved in the roll out of the Malaysian Corporate Governance Code in 2000. He was a member of the working party that drew up the Malaysian Corporate Governance Blueprint in 2011 and the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2012 and drafted the IOSCO Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Task Force report on behalf of the Securities Commission Malaysia in 2016.

John used to speak regularly on leadership and governance and wrote for The Star on governance-related topics (2007-2013) and Focus Malaysia (2019). He was voted "Writer of the Year" on CG matters in 2014 by the Minority Shareholders Watchdog Group. His other specialties are "Leading Brand-Based Change", "Reconciling Leadership and Governance" and "Ethics in Business". He is a certified training professional who has done extensive training in branding and leadership. Since 2007, he has trained more than 1,500 directors in CG as well as senior managers of public listed companies. He has also trained ASEAN regulators on behalf of the Securities Commission Malaysia and the Australian Government as part of their capacity building programs in ASEAN and APEC.

John has led board effectiveness evaluations in banking (commercial and development banks), insurance, telecoms and government statutory bodies. He has developed codes of conduct and board charters for two development banks.

John was Associate Professor, Marketing and Strategy at Nottingham University Business School, Malaysia Campus and in charge of the MBA program (2001-6), CEO of Securities Industry Development Corporation (2006-2011), Managing Director, Corporate Governance of Iclif Leadership and Governance Centre (2011-2013). Before coming to Malaysia, John led businesses in office products distribution, and food distribution across Asia-Pacific based in Hong Kong and was the Chair of the Marketing and Change Management Practices of Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific.

John has a BA (Hons) in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford and an MSc in Business Administration from the London Business School. He was awarded the Panglima Mahkota Wilayah (PMW) by the Federal Government of Malaysia, which carries the title Datuk for services to the nation. He has Malaysian PR and is married to a Malaysian Chinese.

Chris Bennet is an experienced director, and senior executive with significant international exposure. He has lived and worked in 6 countries, held directorships for major British and American companies in 13 (and held senior managerial responsibilities in more than 20) in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Australia, NZ, and the Americas.

Chris is now focused on research, writing, and facilitation/teaching. His research interests are centred around how corporate governance is impacted by human behaviour as it occurs in Boards and Top Management Teams, particularly in how those factors manifest in different cultures, and in complex company groups. He is a regular commentator on those topics. His doctoral research is titled "Cultural cognition and decision making in multicultural boards of directors in South East Asia and Australia". His writings have appeared in The Business Times, and The Edge (Singapore), The Edge (Malaysia), Company Director Magazine (Australia), Chris has served on committees advising on corporate governance and human resource matters in Singapore.

Chris is a director of BPA Australasia Pte Ltd a social enterprise founded in 2008, concerned with improving corporate governance through delivering research, professional education, and advocacy in the area where human behaviour meets governance, risk management and strategy in the Boardroom and "C" suite.

He served as Managing Consultant of Towers Perrin (Malaysia), and Watson Wyatt (Malaysia and Singapore). In both roles he was responsible for board level consulting including board effectiveness, and executive compensation. He has led board evaluations, notably the first board effectiveness evaluation conducted by Bursa Malaysia (The Malaysian Stock Exchange).

In his work as Faculty at the Australian Institute of Company Directors he has facilitated on the International Company Directors programme and the International Foundations of Directorship programme in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Dubai for the past 9 years, and continues to do so. He has designed and reviewed modules for these programmes.

He holds an MBA (Distinction) from Aston Business School, is currently a doctoral researcher in the Work, and Occupational Psychology Group. He is a Chartered Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

In this Book

  • Leadership is Morally Neutral
  • Elizabeth Tudor
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  • Lessons Learned
  • Managerial Leadership
  • Dealing with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity
  • Reconciling VUCA with the Need for Simplicity
  • Combining two Leadership Models with Managerial Skills
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Ethical and Effective Decision-Making
  • Notes