The PMP Certification Exam Study Guide

  • 7h 11m
  • Rosaldo de Jesus Nocêra
  • CRC Press
  • 2012

The PMP Certification Exam Study Guide facilitates the knowledge and confidence needed to achieve the highly sought after PMP credential. Covering the nine knowledge areas and 42 processes covered in the actual examination, it contains more than 500 questions, memorization games, study tips, equations, and a glossary.

The book is filled with flowcharts and graphs that illustrate process input, tools, techniques, output, and interaction. Each chapter contains self-tests with detailed answer keys to help you better understand the questions that will appear on the exam.

Helpful study tips, supplementary exercises, and important reminders for the day of the examination are also included in each chapter to help ensure you are ready to achieve PMP certification the first time around.

About the Author

As the author of 12 books addressing variations of the work planning and control subject, some of which have been adopted in academic teaching, Rosaldo de Jesus Nocêra has always worked in the project management field. His professional experience has been developed mainly in managing projects, working for more than 20 years with implementing large projects.

The author has worked as a civil engineer and holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, with postgraduate studies in industrial buildings, he is certified as a PMP (Project Management Professional) by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as well as a MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist - Project Management with Project 2007) by Microsoft. He was the first civil engineer in Brazil to achieve the PMI-SP (Scheduling Professional) certification. Also, he is certified as a PMI-RMP (Risks Management Professional).

As a businessman and consultant, he has provided project management consulting services for large companies, including multinational companies, in addition to leading courses along with his team of instructors in São Paulo across company and institutions in different Brazilian cities. His books and courses on work planning and control with MS-Project did much to refine the technique of civil construction professionals and to professionalize jobsite work.

Nowadays, taking a step further in fulfilling the purpose of sharing his experience, he is publishing this book, the first one of its kind to be published by a Brazilian author. The author hopes this book will be a guide for all professionals interested in achieving the PMP certification.

In this Book

  • Introduction to PMP Preparatory
  • Project Management Fundamentals
  • Project Management Processes
  • Project Integration Management
  • Project Scope Management
  • Project Time Management
  • Project Cost Management
  • Project Quality Management
  • Project Human Resource Management
  • Project Communications Management
  • Project Risk Management
  • Project Procurement Management
  • Ethics and Professional Responsibility


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