The Phenomenal Product Manager

  • 1h 20m
  • Brian Lawley
  • Happy About
  • 2009

Product management is one of the most dynamic and exciting careers around. Yet many product managers find themselves frustrated because of the unique challenges it presents. There are many books on the mechanics and core principles of product management, such as how to gather and write requirements, build roadmaps and perform other tasks. But there is no book that tells you the rest of the story -- the strategies, tactics and techniques that will turn you into a great product manager.

The Phenomenal Product Manager goes beyond the basics and teaches you how to work more effectively with your teams, how to influence when you have no formal authority, how to get the most important work done in less time and how to manage and accelerate your career. Based on the author's twenty years of product management experience as well as perspectives from the world's leading product management experts, The Phenomenal Product Manager is a must-read for every product manager who wants to be more successful and enjoy their job more.

About the Author

Brian Lawley is the CEO and founder of the 280 Group. During his 25 year career in Product Management and Product Marketing he has shipped more than fifty successful products. He is the former President of the Silicon Valley Product Management Association, won the 2008 AIPMM award for Excellence in Thought Leadership for Product Management and is the author of the best-selling book, Expert Product Management. Mr. Lawley has been featured on CNBC's World Business Review and the Silicon Valley Business Report and writes articles for a variety of publications including the Product Management 2.0 newsletter and Blog.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Product Marketing versus Product Management
  • What is a Phenomenal Product Manager?
  • Influencing Engineers
  • Leveraging Your Sales Team
  • Getting Management on Your Side
  • Leading Your Team
  • Doubling Productivity
  • Career Acceleration
  • Having Fun
  • Conclusion


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