The No Excuse Guide to Success: No Matter What Your Boss-or Life- Throws at You

  • 2h 25m
  • Jim “Mr. Energy” Smith, Jr.
  • Career Press, Inc.
  • 2012

Almost everyone is guilty of playing the blame game. It's satisfying and easy to do. If we despise our work, we can blame our manager or even our short-sighted organization for its inability to recognize our genius. If our personal lives are a disaster, we can blame our spouses, partners, the economy, or even our ancestors.

We all know on some level that we are pointing our fingers in the wrong direction, but we just can't seem to help ourselves.

The No Excuse Guide to Success shows you how to abandon this unworkable routine and stop the destructive pattern of making excuses and blaming others--to stop whining and start winning.

The No Excuse Guide to Success gives you the tools and techniques you need to:

  • Make life-altering changes in how you approach your career and your life
  • Stop blaming others and start believing in yourself
  • Own your choices and break down self-created barriers to success
  • Embrace uncertainty and stop being afraid to win

About the Author

A sought-after trainer and personal power speaker for the past 15 years, Jim "Mr. Energy" Smith, Jr. has delivered his message that we have the power to radically change the direction of our lives to thousands of individuals throughout the world. Jim spent 16 years working in corporate and consulting leadership positions for a wide variety of industries. He currently serves as a faculty member for Rutgers University and is president and CEO of JimPACT Enterprises. Jim's previous motivational books include: From Average to Awesome: Lessons for Living an Extraordinary Life and The Masters of Success (coauthored with Ken Blanchard, Jack Canfield, and others).

In this Book

  • The No Excuse Guide to Success—No Matter What Your Boss—or Life— Throws at You
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • No More Excuses!
  • Winning Way 1—Own Your Choices
  • Winning Way 2—Focus on Positive Outcomes and Expect Success
  • Winning Way 3—Embrace the Uncertainty
  • Winning Way 4—Do More With Your Best
  • Winning Way 5—Listen With Three Ears
  • Winning Way 6—Remove Self-Created Barriers
  • Winning Way 7—Pursue Your Passion, Not a Paycheck
  • Winning Way 8—Give Up “Right-Fighting”
  • Winning Way 9—Avoid the “Taking Credit” Trap
  • Winning Way 10—Live With Urgency and Purpose
  • Your Next Steps
  • Give to Live Journal Pages
  • Notes
  • Additional Resources