The Manager's Pocket Guide to Emotional Intelligence

  • 1h 50m
  • Emily A. Sterrett, Ph.D.
  • Human Resource Development Press
  • 2000

Anyone can have the title of "manager". However, true leaders, those who do the right things as well as doing things right, are a rare breed. But it doesn't have to be this way. One of the keys to becoming a model, as opposed to just a title, is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence quotient (or EQ) encompasses qualities that go beyond general intellectual intelligence and technical competency. EQ includes self-awareness, self-control, self-confidence, motivation, empathy, and competencies in the social environment. It is these EQ qualities that are the hall mark of a true leader. EQ skills can be learned. This pocket guide will help a leader access where she or he is weak and give concrete suggestions to strengthen EQ, resulting in a more successful career and a more satisfying life. The guide is written in a straightforward and supportive style that provides the reader with both help and hope. In this time is unprecedented change and daily challenges, you cannot afford to be without competence in EQ.

About the Author

Emily A. Sterrett is President of her own training and management consulting firm, PerformanceWorks, LLC. She has over 20 years experience in project and people management, career counseling, and college teaching in management and psychology. She has a Ph.D. in Social Psychology. Her consulting specialities include leadership development, emotional intelligence, team building, and employee morale and retention. Her other publication, Leaderhip Foundations, (available from Virginia Philpott Manufacturing Extension Partnership), a practical guide for frontline leaders, is highly acclaimed.

In this Book

  • About the Author...
  • Defining Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • The Science behind Emotional Intelligence
  • Assessing Emotional Intelligence
  • The Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence
  • The Role of Self-Awareness in Emotional Intelligence
  • The Role of SeIf-Confidence in Emotional Intelligence
  • The Role of Self-Control in Emotional Intelligence
  • The Role of Empathy in Emotional Intelligence
  • Motivation and Emotional Intelligence
  • Social Competency and Emotional Intelligence
  • Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Others: Developing an Employee
  • Putting EQ to Work: The Team
  • Conclusion


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