The Manager's Guide to Health and Safety at Work, 8th Edition

  • 5h 19m
  • Jeremy Stranks
  • Kogan Page
  • 2006

Now in its eighth edition, The Manager’s Guide to Health & Safety at Work continues to unravel the legal complexities and explains how to establish systems and procedures for effective health and safety management in any type of organization.

Key content includes:

  • health and safety management;
  • principal legal requirements;
  • first aid;
  • safety technology;
  • the working environment.

Filled with expert knowledge and up-to-date information, this popular book provides hands-on, jargon-free advice for all levels of management.

About the Author

Jeremy Stranks is a Fellow of both the CIEH and IOSH and a Registered Safety Practitioner. He is a freelance trainer, consultant and expert witness, in addition to being the author of many books on health and safety, including The Handbook of Health and Safety Practice. Previous positions held include Chief Health and Safety Advisor to the Milk Marketing Board and Dairy Crest Ltd.

In this Book

  • Principal Legal Requirements
  • Health and Safety Management
  • Reporting, Recording and Investigation of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
  • Principles of Accident Prevention
  • Human Factors
  • Ergonomics
  • Stress at Work
  • Occupational Diseases and Conditions
  • First Aid
  • Dangerous Substances
  • Engineering Safety
  • Fire Prevention
  • Electrical Safety
  • Structural Safety
  • Construction and Contractors
  • Mechanical Handling
  • The Working Environment
  • Safety in Offices, Workshops and in Catering Operations