The Manager's Communication Toolbox

  • 3h 6m
  • Bob Putnam, Everett Chasen
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2012

Like a star baseball player, every good manager should aim to be a five-tool expert. Reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking are basic skills for any employee, but the manager who stands out is the manager who commands these skills. To improve your standing with your employees and superiors, it's essential to understand each of these areas of communication. In The Manager's Communication Toolbox, the authors offer tips, checklists, and examples from their combined 70 years of experience. Other experts in a variety of fields weigh in on best practices for these communication skills. For new managers and seasoned practitioners, this is must-have information.

About the Authors

Everett A. (Ev) Chasen is a partner in Foxwood Communications LLC, a communication consulting firm offering writing, mentoring, and communications planning services to companies and government agencies in the Washington, D.C. area. Ev is a former member of the Federal Senior Executive Service and was Chief Communications Officer for the Veterans Health Administration, the nation’s largest health care organization. In this position, he had overall responsibility for the Administration s public relations, congressional affairs, voluntary service, web communication, and executive correspondence programs. During his 35-year career with the U.S. Government, Ev was a speechwriter for two cabinet secretaries, the senior news media spokesperson for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department’s Chief of Protocol, and held a number of other significant public affairs and administrative positions with VA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has also been a freelance writer, a communications trainer, and an editor and writer for a number of employee publications.

Robert R. (Bob) Putnam has provided public relations counsel to (and written speeches for) top officials at several well-known national health care associations, as well as for a Congressional Commission and a U.S. Senator. During different administrations spanning 20 years, Bob was senior speechwriter for successive leaders of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, serving members of the president's cabinet from both political parties. Bob has been a communications trainer, has edited three books including the History of VA Medical Research, by Marguerite T. Hayes, MD and has served as national communications chairman of the society of Federal medical agencies. Early in his career, working as a newspaper reporter, he won the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association's top honors for feature writing.

In this Book

  • The Manager’s Communication Toolbox
  • Introduction
  • Read Quickly and Efficiently
  • What to Read
  • What Is Good Writing?
  • Write Effective Letters and Memorandums
  • Compose Emails That Get Action
  • Write for the Web
  • Give Great Presentations
  • Use Powerpoint or Not
  • Work with the News Media
  • Think Like a Manager
  • Get Others to Think
  • Manage Your Boss
  • Find Time to Think
  • Get the Message
  • Manage Your Meetings
  • Interview Prospective Employees
  • Give Employee Feedback
  • Epilogue
  • References


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