The Little Book of Clarity: A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind

  • 1h 54m
  • Jamie Smart
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2015

The Little Book of Clarity shows you how to clear your head and get things done. Based on bestselling book, Clarity, this new edition has been distilled to the essentials, getting right to the point. With no vague theory or superfluous anecdotes, this book gets you right to work reducing stress and boosting productivity by uncovering your mind's in-built "self-clearing" capacity. As you begin to understand the concept of innate thinking, the benefits will start emerging in every corner of your life. As you think less, you'll win more — at work, at home, and at the game of life as a whole. You'll rid your mind of clutter for good as you focus on what matters, and finally free up the time you need to pursue your dreams.

Life's constant bombardment of "to-do" and "urgent" pushes your own priorities clear off the radar. Before you know it, you're always busy, but not getting very much accomplished. Personal goals fall by the wayside as you struggle just to keep up with day-to-day life. This book shows you how to cut the noise and clear the fog, and start working on what matters to you.

  • Harness the power of insight and principles
  • Discover your true identity and innate wisdom
  • Build better relationships and stronger connections
  • Discard toxic goals and pursue authentic desires

Clarity is the mind's natural state, a state to which it will always return if given the chance. Although it's evident in children, most adults have had this ability conditioned out of them by our "go-go-go" society, leaving them mentally muddy, stressed, and ineffectual. The Little Book of Clarity helps you erase that conditioning and gain the peace of mind to live a life you love — permanently.

About the Author

Jamie Smart is a state-of-mind specialist, a leading trainer speaker, coach and consultant. He has been teaching people how their minds work and how to lead happy successful lives for 13 years.

In this Book

  • The Little Book of Clarity—A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Misunderstanding—The Hidden Trap
  • The Power of Insight
  • How Perception is Created
  • The Power of Principles
  • The Psychological Immune System
  • Habitual Thought Patterns
  • Stress—The Source and the Solution
  • The Ultimate Leverage Point
  • Innate Clarity and Peace of Mind
  • Creativity and Disruptive Innovation
  • Authenticity—Your True Identity
  • Intuition—Navigating by Wisdom
  • Toxic Goals and Authentic Desires
  • The Power of Presence
  • Resilience
  • Connection and Relationships
  • There’s Only One Problem
  • Penicillin for the Mind
  • Do Nothing
  • The Leadership Delusion
  • Living a Life You Love
  • Capitalizing on Chaos, Complexity and Uncertainty
  • The Art of Sustainable Change
  • Inspired Action
  • Further Explorations