The Influencing Pocketbook

  • 27m
  • Richard Storey
  • Management Pocketbooks
  • 2000

Influencing skills are at the heart of all successful communication. The Influencing Pocketbook examines influencing styles, how to establish rapport, dealing with different personalities, handling resistance and, crucially, getting a decision. It lists five easy steps to influence, eight influencing styles, ten good reasons to build rapport and four different personality types with influencing techniques for each. In an American Management Association survey, in answer to the question 'What is the number one need for success in business today?', the most popular answer was 'to persuade others of my value and the value of my ideas'.

About the Author

Richard Storey BA (Hons), worked in the newspaper industry before moving into training and development. He is an internationally known communication consultant with over 25 years’ experience. He has published The Art of Persuasive Communication (Gower 1997) as well as a number of management and professional workbooks. He is a regular contributor of articles to magazines and journals. In addition to teaching a range of communication skills seminars, he is also a regular conference speaker.

In this Book

  • Planning to Influence
  • Influencing Styles
  • What’s in It for Me?
  • Communicating Your Message
  • Influencing Through Rapport
  • Influencing Different Personalities
  • Handling Resistance
  • Getting a Decision
  • More Sources & Resources


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