The Infinite Leader: Balancing the Demands of Modern Business Leadership

  • 3h 49m
  • Chris Lewis, Pippa Malmgren
  • Kogan Page
  • 2021

Having spent centuries perfecting processes and systems to maximize productivity and being indicted to the shrine of numbers, KPI's and financial forecasting, we have to admit, there are very few examples of sustainable and inspirational leadership figures out there. By over-relying on the hard stuff, we have disregarded whole dimensions of values that are desperately needed when trying to engage communities of people towards a common goal.

The Infinite Leader is a roadmap to introducing balance back into organizations. You can adapt your stance to the infinite possibilities facing you as a leader, and balance the main quadrants of the rational, emotional, spiritual and physical leader, to deliver sustainable leadership with integrity. Business is still about people - people operate across paradoxes and opposing forces, in a world that confounds these influences. Leaders need to continuously juggle and neutralize these to succeed. Be what your people need you to be and learn what they don't teach you in business schools; remain analytical and numbers-focused when needed, but also bring your heart, person and integrity to leadership.

About the Authors

Chris Lewis is the founder and CEO of LEWIS, one of the largest independent marketing and communications agencies in the world. He is a skilled media trainer who has coached senior politicians, business people and celebrities. Chris is also a published author and journalist who has written for the Financial Times, Daily Telegraph and The Guardian.

Dr Pippa Malmgren is a trend spotter who advises investors and governments about economic policy. She anticipated the Financial Crisis in 2007, the Chinese slowdown, Brexit, Trump and inflation returning. She has featured on the BBC, Bloomberg, The Financial Times and The Economist.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • The End
  • Circles and Zeros
  • Existing Leadership Models
  • Introducing ‘Zero’ Models
  • Zero-State Thinking
  • Zeronomics
  • Zero Ego, Zero Gender
  • Zero Education
  • Where This Thinking Takes Us
  • Conclusions
  • Notes


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