The HACCP Food Safety Manual

  • 2h 57m
  • Joan K. Loken
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 1995

Developed for NASA in the 1960s, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) represents a logical step forward in food safety management. Food safety issues have become so complex that traditional attention to cleanliness and maintenance is not enough. HACCP, the new tool to enhance food safety management, looks at food preparation step by step to identify the root causes of potential problems and to establish corrective or control measures. This food safety approach is being adopted by the USDA, FDA, and numerous state and local health departments. It is advocated by the Colorado Restaurant Association Education Fund, AFC Colorado Chefs de Cuisine, and the American Dietetic Association, and is being utilized effectively by such major chains as General Mills and Taco Bell. The HACCP Food Safety Manual, written by a noted food safety consultant and trainer, is

  • The first easy-to-understand, comprehensive HACCP manual
  • An easy-to-follow guide to all HACCP techniques, processes, and procedures
  • Trainer-tested in the Managers’ Food Safety Certification Program sponsored by the FDA, Denver Department of Public Health/Consumer Protection, International Food Service Executives Association, and American Society of Hospital Foodservice Administrators
  • Illustrated throughout with flowcharts and diagrams

About the Author

Joan K. Loken, CFE, is a noted expert on food safety issues and has worked in close collaboration with the FDA and state and local foodservice associations and agencies.

In this Book

  • Identify Potential Food Safety Hazards
  • Identify Critical Control Points
  • Establish Control Procedures
  • Establish Monitoring Procedures
  • Establish Corrective Action
  • Establish Effective Record-Keeping Procedures
  • Establish Procedures for Verification
  • Foodborne Illness
  • Employee Training Materials
  • Food Protection Quizzes