The Ethics of Sustainability in Management: Storymaking in Organizations

  • 4h 10m
  • Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2024

Organizational storytelling has been taught for many years in many different places as part of organizational development, organizational change, organizational learning, and business ethics. There has not been any comprehensive framework that addresses sustainability in organizations and so this book develops a new ethics of sustainability for management and organizations. A terrestrial ethics of storymaking is proposed, which responds to Latour’s claim that the Terrestrial has become a new decisive political actor in politics. The Terrestrial is born from Gaia, a metaphor for a new look on life on Earth. Gaia situates life in the thin layer of matter that is the surface of the Earth. It entails the view that nature is a process that humans are part of. Storymaking is constructed from Arendt’s political philosophy, which is rooted ontologically in the principle of natality: rebirth of life. The term ‘storymaking’ is developed from Arendt’s understanding of storytelling as political action to emphasize not only that stories are spatial, embodied and material practices that are tied to a specific time and space but also that technology is an important dimension in making stories. Stories are thus human practices that apart from meaning making and politics involve the use and manipulation of material and objects, and which are crucial for how a human world is shaped. This human world is furthermore shaped by the rhythms of life embedded in the complex landscapes that humans move through. Storymaking is developed through rethinking the links between the central categories of labor, work, action, and thinking in Arendt’s writings. Implications for business ethics are drawn out and a comprehensive ethics framework is constructed that connects the biological and physical with the social, economic, and political regarding how organizations work. Finally, a storymaking philosophy of management is constructed, making this book especially relevant to researchers, academics, managers, and students in the fields of business ethics, management studies, leadership, organizational studies, and international business.

About the Author

Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen, PhD, is a Professor of Organization Studies at the Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University, Sweden. He teaches leadership and organization regarding societal challenges of sustainability, inclusion and technology.

In this Book

  • The Ethics of Sustainability in Management—Storymaking in Organizations
  • Sustainability—Three Narratives and Six Images
  • Foundations of a Terrestrial Ethics—A Gaian Map of Reorientation
  • Storymaking as a Process of Life
  • Storymaking as a Rhythmic Practice—Place, Space, and Materiality in Managing
  • Living Life as a Story—Aesthetics, Spatialization, and Freedom
  • Living Life Truthfully—The Relations between Thinking and Conscience
  • Storymaking as a Philosophy of Managing
  • References