The Enterprise Big Data Framework: Building Critical Capabilities to Win in the Data Economy

  • 8h 55m
  • Jan-Willem Middelburg
  • Kogan Page
  • 2023

Businesses who can make sense of the huge influx and complexity of data will be the big winners in the information economy.

This comprehensive guide covers all the aspects of transforming enterprise data into value, from the initial set-up of a big data strategy, towards algorithms, architecture and data governance processes. Using a vendor-independent approach, The Enterprise Big Data Framework offers practical advice on how to develop data-driven decision making, detailed data analysis and data engineering techniques.

With a focus on business implementation, The Enterprise Big Data Framework includes sections on analysis, engineering, algorithm design and big data architecture, and covers topics such as data preparation and presentation, data modelling, data science, programming languages and machine learning algorithms. Endorsed by leading accreditation and examination institute AMPG International, this book is required reading for the Enterprise Big Data Certifications, which aim to develop excellence in big data practices across the globe. Online resources include sample data for practice purposes.

About the Author

Jan-Willem Middelburg is the CEO and co-founder of Cybiant, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With Cybiant he helps to create a more sustainable world through analytics, big data and automation, developing algorithms and employing data scientists to unearth patterns and information. He is also President and Chief Examiner of the Enterprise Big Data Framework, an independent organization dedicated to upskilling individuals with expertise in Big Data. In partnership with APMG-International, the Enterprise Big Data Framework offers vendor-neutral certifications for individuals.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Big Data
  • The State of Big Data in Today’s Organizations
  • Win in the Data Economy
  • The Enterprise Big Data Framework
  • Big Data Strategy
  • Strategy Formulation
  • Innovation Management
  • Leadership and Governance
  • Communication
  • Sustainability
  • Programme Funding
  • Big Data Strategy Maturity Assessment
  • Big Data Architecture
  • Big Data Architecture Management
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Data Platform Management
  • Master and Metadata Management
  • Information Security Management
  • Big Data Architecture Maturity Assessment
  • Big Data Algorithms
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Cleaning and Wrangling
  • Descriptive Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Reproducible Research
  • Big Data Algorithms Maturity Assessment
  • Big Data Processes
  • The Data Governance Process
  • The Data Management Process
  • The Data Analysis Process
  • The Data Life Cycle Management Process
  • The Data Vendor Management Process
  • Big Data Processes Maturity Assessment
  • Big Data Functions
  • Knowledge Management
  • Big Data Catalogue of Services
  • Workforce and Talent Planning
  • Education and Skills Development
  • Data Literacy
  • Big Data Functions Maturity Assessment
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning
  • Reasoning
  • Knowledge Representation
  • AI Ethics
  • Artificial Intelligence Maturity Assessment