The End of the Performance Review: A New Approach to Appraising Employee Performance
- 3h 8m
- Tim Baker
- Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
- 2013
Most organizational leaders are locked into conducting annual or bi-annual performance reviews with their staff although they know the system is not working. Performance reviews are costly, time consuming, and often a one-way experience without follow up. Companies need an entirely new approach to performance management.
The End of the Performance Review is a thoroughly tested, distinctive alternative that draws on well established principles of organizational behavior. Based around Tim Baker's unique "5 Conversations," each lasting ten minutes, the reader is offered a new model for performance management that better reflects the changing needs of both sides of the employment relationship. With a timely focus on fostering innovation, the book is practical and easy to use—featuring case studies, interviews, and useful templates.
About the Author
I wrote this book because so many managers and employees told be that they dread the performance review and thought it is a waste of time. There must be a better way and there is. It is called the Five Conversations Framework!
In this Book
Abolishing the Standard Performance Review
The Five Conversations Framework
The Climate Review Conversation
Moving from Job Focus to Performance Focus
Bye-Bye Job Descriptions
The Strengths and Talents Conversation
The Opportunities for Growth Conversation
The Learning and Development Conversation
The Innovation and Continuous Improvement Conversation
Implementing the Five Conversations Framework
The Final Conversation