The Elements of Power: Lessons on Leadership and Influence

  • 6h 14m
  • Terry R. Bacon
  • 2011

Power is the fuel that drives your ability to influence and lead. Throughout history, those skilled at wielding personal and organizational power have been able to lead and motivate others, change minds, shape and create movements, influence social trends, and harness others’ energies. In the business world, the most powerful leaders drive new initiatives, build high-performing teams, and guide their organizations toward the successful accomplishment of their missions. In fact, if you want to make a difference in any realm of life, you must have power—and the more powerful you are, the more influential you will be.

But “power” isn’t simply a matter of authority or position. Some managers fail to influence others effectively despite their leadership positions . . . while others who may have little official status seem to lead and inspire those around them effortlessly, and continually accomplish great things. What sources of power enable them to do this? And how can you build and use your own sources of power?

Based on groundbreaking research, The Elements of Power reveals where power comes from, how it works, and how you can tap into it to achieve your own personal and professional goals, with people of any age and in any part of the world. You’ll learn the difference between compliance and commitment, the foundations of agreement, and the different sources of power, including:

  • Your ability to access, organize, interpret, and disseminate information
  • The power of rhetoric and personal expressiveness
  • Your use of personal history, relationship, and trust
  • Interpersonal attractiveness and bonding based on your chemistry with others
  • How others perceive your character, depending on how you exemplify standards of behavior for your group
  • Your organizational role and status, and your command over resources
  • Whom you “know” within your network
  • How others judge your reputation

With revealing case stories, insightful examples, and practical tips and techniques you can use immediately to increase your own personal sources of power, this indispensable book will open your eyes to the myriad possibilities that already lie within your sphere of influence. Filled with dynamic strategies for leading and influencing all those around you, The Elements of Power is the guidebook you can bank on for leadership success.

About the Author

TERRY R. BACON was the founder and CEO of Lore International Institute, a widely respected executive development firm recently acquired by Korn/Ferry International. He is now the Scholar in Residence in the Korn/Ferry Institute and is the author of many books including What People Want and Powerful Proposals.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Shakespeare Ate Bacon: The Power of Knowledge
  • Mr. Obama Goes to Washington: The Power of Eloquence
  • People are Strange: The Power of Relationships
  • You Like Me! You Really Like Me!: The Power of Attraction
  • A Diamond Scratching Every Other Stone: The Power of Character
  • Hail to the Chief: The Power of Role and Resources
  • Information Wants to Be Free: The Power of Information
  • It’s Who You Know: The Power of Networking
  • The Tree and Its Shadow: The Power of Reputation
  • Organized Rivalry in the Monster’s Den: Power in Organizations
  • First Steps Down New Roads: The Power of Will
  • Increasing Your Voltage: How to Become More Powerful


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