The Diagrams Books: 50 Ways to Solve any Problem Visually

  • 39m
  • Kevin Duncan
  • LID Publishing Ltd
  • 2013

People find it difficult to express ideas and solve problems purely with words. They find it much easier to use diagrams. Distilled into a single, perfectly sized volume are fifty of the most useful diagrams that are used by consultants, academics, MBA students, and smart managers globally to assist with problem solving and thinking. Triangles and pyramids, grids and axes, timelines, flows and concepts, and circles—the fifty diagrams are each presented and explained in an accessible manner, including tips and advice on how you can apply them to your own situations.

About the Author

Kevin Duncan is a business adviser, marketing expert, motivational speaker and author. After 20 years in advertising, he has spent the last 13 as an independent troubleshooter, advising companies on how to change their businesses for the better, via change management programmes, non-exec work or better pitching.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • The Pyramid
  • The Selling Pyramid
  • The Cone of Learning
  • The Whittling Wedge
  • The Rising Wedge
  • The Interlocking Wedge
  • The IF Triangle
  • The F Triangle
  • The Business Satisfaction Triangle
  • The Personal Motivation Triangle
  • The Growing Pane
  • The Priority Matrix
  • The Market Map
  • The Bargaining Arena
  • The Bravery Scale
  • The Barriers to Purchase Axis
  • The Box Process
  • The Long Tail
  • The Histogram
  • The Gottschaldt Figurine
  • The Target, Fried Egg or Onion
  • The Pie Chart
  • The Venn Diagram
  • The Central Idea Satellite System
  • The Molecular Structure
  • The Work/Life Balance Diagram
  • The Changing Role of the Team Leader Circle
  • The Cone or Loud Hailer
  • The So What? Cycle of Questions
  • The ‘From Your Head to the World’ Circle
  • The Liveline
  • The Personal Deadline
  • The Cultural Deadline
  • The Year to a View
  • The Tertials v. Quarters Year View
  • The Less-Than-Twelve-Month Year
  • The Strategy v. Tactics Year View
  • The Energy Line
  • The Motivational Dip
  • The Motivational Clothes Line
  • The Organization Chart—How to do it
  • The Organization Chart—How not to do it
  • The Three Buckets
  • The Funnel, Hopper or Leaky Bucket
  • The Hour Glass
  • The Bow Tie
  • The Decision Tree
  • The Rivers and Dams Concept
  • The Service Fulcrum
  • The Depersonalizing Problems Concept