The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFace

  • 10h 2m
  • Rob Warner, Robert Harris
  • Apress
  • 2004

Need to build stand-alone Java applications? The Definitive Guide to SWT and Jface will help you build them from the ground up. The book first runs down the Java GUI toolkit history. Then the book explains why SWT is superior and provides extensive examples of building applications with SWT.

You'll come to understand the entire class hierarchy of SWT, and you'll learn to use all components in the toolkit with Java code. Furthermore, the book describes JFace, an additional abstraction layer built on SWT. Demonstrations of building JFace applications are also included and reinforced with thorough explanations and example code. These applications can be used as GUI plug-ins for Eclipse, and they're compatible with the new Eclipse 3.0 application development framework.

About the Authors

Robert Harris is a software engineer focused on distributed object computing. Since earning his master of science degree from the University of Florida, he has been designing and implementing flexible, resilient solutions in the telecommunications, transportation, and medical industries.

Rob Warner graduated from Brigham Young University in December 1993 with a degree in English, and then immediately took a job in the technology industry. He has developed software in various languages for the transportation, banking, and medical industries during his career. Now president and CEO of Interspatial, Inc., he designs and develops Java-based solutions using both Eclipse and its derivative, WebSphere Studio Application Developer. He has used SWT and JFace on several projects, including an executive information system for a religious organization, a password-retrieval Eclipse plug-in, and various other applications and utilities.

In this Book

  • Evolution of Java GUIs
  • Getting Started with Eclipse
  • Your First SWT Application
  • Layouts
  • Widgets
  • Events
  • Dialogs
  • Advanced Controls
  • The Custom Controls
  • Graphics
  • Displaying and Editing Text
  • Advanced Topics
  • Your First JFace Application
  • Creating Viewers
  • JFace Dialogs
  • User Interaction
  • Using Preferences
  • Editing Text
  • Miscellaneous Helper Classes
  • Creating Wizards


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