The Courage to Advance: Real life Resilience from the World's Most Successful Women in Business
- 3h 19m
- Bonnie Hagemann, Lisa Pent, Women Execs on Boards
- Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
- 2021
Getting to the top in Business is never straightforward, especially as a woman.
This powerful collection of stories reveals how the world’s leading women in business have overcome some of life’s biggest challenges to reach the top of their professions. This is a book written for every current and aspiring leader, revealing the things that leaders rarely talk about; the behind the scenes struggles.
The women in these stories are powerful, internationally diverse and have impressive leadership accomplishments. They were brought together through one unifying experience: they have all completed the Harvard Business School Women on Boards program, a course that has turned into a movement. Today there are over 130 members of the WomenExecs on Boards network, from 17 countries. This is the network where organisations go to find educated, prepared, qualified and diverse women for corporate board seats.
After reading this book you will be inspired to lead and make a difference for others whether it’s running a company or leading a division, team, project, community event or your family and home. You will discover that you already have all you need to succeed when it gets hard, to never give up, and how to keep going through life’s difficult and sometimes terrible challenges. These women want you to know that you are not alone, and that you can lean on the strength of those who have gone before you, keep leading and keep getting back up again.
About the Author
Bonnie Hagemann is the CEO of EDA, Inc. formerly known as Executive Development Associates. EDA is a progressive firm using its HR/Culture Tech platform and it 37-year history of top-of-the-house executive development to create compelling cultures and advance the strategy of the companies we serve.
Lisa Pent is a financially literate FTSE 100 senior executive fluent in the worlds of Business Development, Finance, Governance, Strategy, Transformation, Innovation, and Digital Transformation. Lisa sits on the board of the Wall Street Women's Alliance and was in the inaugural Class of Harvard Business School's Executive Education - Women on Boards: Succeeding as a Corporate Director program.
WomenExecs on Boards is a global network of Women Prepared for Board Service at Harvard Business School with over 190 members from 23 countries. They are deeply committed to one another’s success and are working together systematically to advance the state of gender equality in corporate governance and senior executive positions.
In this Book