The Cost of Emotions in the Workplace: Bottom Line Value of Emotional Continuity Management

  • 4h 51m
  • Vali Hawkins Mitchell
  • Rothstein Associates
  • 2013

This important new book in the rising field of Emotional Continuity Management (ECM) clearly outlines how emotionally-charged situations, when mismanaged or unaddressed, can have a calculable, direct impact on the fiscal bottom line.

Dr. Vali, a Certified Traumalogist, coins the term "emotional tornado" to describe the cumulative effect of escalating, emotionally-charged human energy as it develops a life of its own with the potential for rampant destruction. Caused by circumstances in a person s private or work life, an individual’s emotions have the potential of spinning out of control. Financial costs to the organization can range from simple to profoundly complex - ultimately affecting productivity, company loyalty, absenteeism, healthcare costs, and managerial time, all of which contribute to a toxic work environment.

In this book, you will learn that it's critical for today's executives to:

  • Understand that emotions are going to happen and they do not go away;
  • Realize that emotions have measurable costs and can be managed in a compassionate manner that supports people and the bottom line;
  • Know that if suppressed, ignored, or devalued, emotions distort and become even more lethal.

You will learn that it's possible and necessary to:

  • Achieve a realistic buy-in from the CEO and other leadership;
  • Avoid the rapidly escalating costs caused by emotions rising in the system;
  • Reflect negative feelings into a healthy form that increases loyalty and productivity.

And you will learn how to:

  • Observe, predict, prepare & write policy to manage the full range of workplace emotions;
  • Manage office bullies, who are too often managers themselves;
  • Calculate the managerial & productivity costs of an emotional incident.

About the Author

Vali Hawkins Mitchell, Ph.D., LMHC, holds a Doctorate in Health Education and Masters degree in Applied Psychology. As a Certified Traumatologist, her critical insights on the real human factors of disaster and emergency planning have been shaped by her experiences with major events such as the World Trade Center, Hurricane Katrina, Samoan earthquakes, Indonesian tsunami, and Pacific Northwest Wildfires. She is considered a leading authority in the growing field of Emotional Continuity Management and a highly regarded public speaker and trainer, author, consultant, and educator.

In this Book

  • The Cost of Emotions in the Workplace—Bottom Line Value of Emotional Continuity Management
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Introduction: Bottom-line Impact of Emotions in the Workplace
  • Emotions and Spinning
  • Some Workplace Spins Turn into Emotional Tornadoes
  • Causes of Emotional Spinning
  • Bullies and Emotional Terrorists
  • Tools for Emotions—Managing Your Feelings & Dealing with Bullies & Emotional Terrorists
  • Tools for Companies Dealing with Bullies and Emotional Terrorists
  • Emotional Continuity Management for Disasters
  • Where Are We Going?
  • Epilogue
  • References and Links


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