The Complete Personality Assessment: Psychometric Tests to Reveal Your True Potential

  • 2h 4m
  • Hugh Green, Jim Barrett
  • Kogan Page
  • 2011

The Complete Personality Assessment applies psychometric tests in a structured way to help readers better understand their strengths and shortcomings. While emphasizing the implications for one's work life, the book helps readers think through how best to use their talents, and it shows them how to confront and overcome the internal conflicts that hold them back.

About the Authors

Jim Barrett is a psychologist and consultant with many years of experience advising organizations on their selection procedures and assessment systems. He is the co-author of Test Your Own Aptitude and author of How to Pass Advanced Aptitude Tests and Aptitude, Personality and Motivation Tests (all published by Kogan Page).

Hugh Green has a lifetime of experience in individual and organization development both as a group human resources director and as an independent consultant.

In this Book

  • Who are You?
  • What do You Want to do?
  • Your Work and Life Balance