The Company Secretary's Desktop Guide
- 4h 3m
- Roger Mason
- Thorogood
- 2006
This new edition has been fully updated to take account of all the latest changes to UK law and practices. It is accessible, practical and jargon-free.
There are completely new sections on: substantial property transactions; indemnity and insurance; accounting standards; restoration to the register; electronic filing. And also included is new content on: web filing at Companies House; new limits for the compulsory statutory audit; new definitions for small and medium-sized companies; changes made by the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004; a new chapter explaining all the proposed changes in the Companies Law Reform.
About the Author
Roger Mason is a highly experienced director and company secretary. His early career was with Midland Bank and the Ford Motor Company before becoming finance director of ITC Entertainment Ltd. He was, for 14 years, company secretary and finance director of a leading British greetings card company. He presents seminars on subjects that include company law, the duties of directors and the duties of company secretaries. He also writes and his books include Credit Controller’s Desktop Guide. His most recent work (published by Thorogood) is 501 Questions for Company Directors and Company Secretaries.
In this Book
The Position of Company Secretary
The Statutory Registers and the Company Seal
Dividends and Interest Payments
Share Capital and Shareholders
The Issue of Shares and the Reduction of Share Capital
Debentures and Loan Stock
The Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association
General Meetings
Board Meetings
Transfer And Transmission Of Shares
Receivership and Administration
Winding Up and Striking Off
The Annual Return
Dealing with Companies House
The Company Law Reform Bill