The Commando Way: Extraordinary Business Execution

  • 1h 36m
  • Damian McKinney
  • LID Publishing Ltd
  • 2012

Who is best equipped to meet the challenges of an unstable and uncertain world? Who better than a commando? When you're trained as a commando, you're trained to expect the unexpected. The unexpected is what business leaders have to deal with every day, as strategic shocks, particularly financial crises, continue to reverberate. The commando way is applied directly to the business world, drawing on Damian McKinney’s long experience of working with many of the world’s leading companies, as well as serving at a senior level in the Royal Marines. This book provides the compelling evidence that the commando way works in business, and it gives the corporate leaders of today and tomorrow insight, guidance, and the prospect of more effective business execution. Drawing lessons from the military and corporate worlds, Damian McKinney is on a mission that will transform your business.

About the Author

Damian McKinney is the CEO and founder of McKinney Rogers, a management consultancy with offices in London, Amsterdam, the United States, Brazil, Japan, and Hong Kong. He is a former operations commando with the UK Royal Marines.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Make your Values Personal and Real
  • Focus on your Vision
  • Follow the Mission
  • Build the Spirit to Win
  • Live up to the Responsibility of Leadership
  • Make Sure it Works
  • Conclusions
  • Afterword
  • Beyond—The Written Word