The Coaching Handbook: An Action Kit for Trainers & Managers

  • 2h 54m
  • Jackie Clifford, Sara Thorpe
  • Kogan Page
  • 2003

Coaching is proving itself to be the most popular and most effective technique in the field of learning and development. Managers are constantly being reminded that coaching is an important part of their role in getting the best from staff, while trainers are increasingly being called upon to coach individuals in a variety of aspects of both work and life. This one-stop-shop of a book offers everything readers need to be able to harness this powerful and successful technique.

Part 1 provides a detailed and clearly structured step-by-step approach, which will help anyone to develop the ability to coach others. Importantly however, as well as helping to develop the skills of coaching, the authors provide valuable guidance on:

  • where to start when coaching a colleague;
  • how long the coaching will take;
  • which methods should be employed, and when.

Part 2 provides a range of real life case studies from a variety of commercial and non-commercial settings that will help you to decide how coaching can best be tailored to your own organization. The final part of the book contains detailed practical exercises that can be used in a variety of settings. Each of these individual elements combine to provide the definitive coaching handbook.

About the Authors

Both Sara Thorpe and Jackie Clifford are trainers with a wealth of experience drawn from a wide range of organization. There are also the authors of the highly regarded book Dear Trainer: Dealing with Difficult Problems in Training, also published by Kogan Page.

In this Book

  • The Coaching Handbook—An Action Kit For Trainers & Managers
  • Introduction
  • What is Coaching?
  • Learning Theories
  • Introducing the Coaching Model
  • Job description, Skills and Qualities of a Coach
  • Preparing to Coach
  • Stage 1: Clarifying Coaching Needs and Goals
  • Stage 2: Agreeing Specific Development Needs
  • Stage 3: Formulating a Detailed Plan for Coaching
  • Stage 4: Doing a Task or Activity
  • Stage 5: Reviewing Activities and Planning Improved Performance
  • Stage 6: Ending the Coaching Relationship
  • Third-party Initiated Coaching
  • Skills
  • Case Studies
  • Activities and Exercises
  • References and Further Reading