The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period
- 19h 3m
- Susan Snedaker
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2004
In keeping with past trends, full migration to this latest Microsoft Server Operating System will begin in earnest 12 months after its release, in mid-to-late 2004. This book hits the market just as large enterprises begin the process of moving from Windows 2000 Server to Windows Server 2003. The title says everything you need to know about this book. No other book on the market combines this breadth and depth of coverage with the kind of product expertise and quality standard expected from Syngress. Every aspect of Planning, Installing, Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2003 network is distilled and documented, with plenty of examples and illustrations. And unlike its competition, this is a book that was written from the ground up for Windows Server 2003. It doesn't rely on hackneyed computer geek stereotypes; its tone, coverage and examples reflect the realities of TODAY'S enterprise network professional.
About the Author
Susan Snedaker (MBA, BA, MCSE, MCT, PM) is Principal Consultant and founder of Virtual Team Consulting, LLC, a consulting firm specializing in start-ups and companies in transition, particularly technology companies. Virtual Team Consulting works with technology start-ups to develop viable business plans in preparation for debt/equity funding or due diligence with venture capital firms. Virtual Team Consulting also provides IT consulting, design and implementation services to businesses of all sizes. The firm assists companies with strategic planning, operations improvement and project management. Through its team of subject matter experts, Virtual Team Consulting also offers financial and change management services to targeted companies.
Prior to founding Virtual Team Consulting in May 2000, Susan held various executive and technical positions with companies including Microsoft, Honeywell, Keane, and Apta Software. As Director of Service Delivery for Keane, she managed 1200+ technical support staff delivering phone and email support for various Microsoft products such as Windows Server operating systems. She has contributed technical chapters to six Syngress Publishing books on Windows and security technologies, and has written and edited technical content for a variety of publications. Susan has also developed and delivered technical content from security to telephony, TCP/IP to wi-fi and just about everything in between (she admits a particular fondness for anything related to TCP/IP).
Susan holds a master's degree in business administration and a bachelor's degree in management from the University of Phoenix; she also holds a certificate in project management from Stanford University. She is a member of the Information Technology Association of Southern Arizona (ITASA).
In this Book
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period
Overview of Windows Server 2003
Using Server Management Tools
Planning Server Roles and Server Security
Security Templates and Software Updates
Managing Physical and Logical Disks
Implementing Windows Cluster Services and Network Load Balancing
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a High-Availability Strategy
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Network Activity
Active Directory Infrastructure Overview
Working with User, Group, and Computer Accounts
Creating User and Group Strategies
Working with Forests and Domains
Working with Trusts and Organizational Units
Working with Active Directory Sites
Working with Domain Controllers
Working with Global Catalog Servers and Schema
Working with Group Policy in an Active Directory Environment
Deploying Software via Group Policy
Ensuring Active Directory Availability
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Name Resolution Strategy
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining the TCP/IP Infrastructure
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Routing Strategy
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining Internet Protocol Security
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Public Key Infrastructure
Planning, Implementing, Maintaining Routing and Remote Access
Managing Web Servers with IIS 6.0
Managing and Troubleshooting Terminal Services