The Agile Organization: How to Build an Innovative, Sustainable and Resilient Business

  • 6h 6m
  • Linda Holbeche
  • Kogan Page
  • 2015

“Agility” is the ability to continuously adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, while “resilience” is being able to bounce back from setbacks. Resilience is essential if a company’s benefits are to endure in the long run and if their employees’ loyalty is to be kept.

The Agile Organization focuses on how to build both agility and resilience at individual, team, and organizational levels. Author Linda Holbeche puts the process of developing agile strategy, structures, and processes into the big picture context.

This book provides OD/HR practitioners with ways to be effective in a 24/7 business culture, to recognize and avoid the pitfalls of achieving agility while also building organizational resilience, and to understand the importance of involving people in transforming organizations for greater agility.

Combining case studies, self-assessment tools, guidelines, and practical checklists with theory, Holbeche explains how to achieve organizational agility while also maintaining and enhancing employee engagement and resilience.

About the Author

Linda Holbeche is Co-Director and Visiting Professor at the Centre for Progressive Leadership at London Metropolitan University, Director of The Holbeche Partnership, a development consulting company, and Adjunct Professor at Imperial College London’s Business School. She is the author of Organization Development (Kogan Page), Engaged (Jossey-Bass), The High Performance Organization (Routledge), and Reaping the Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions (Routledge).

In this Book

  • Why Go Agile?
  • Why are Agility and Resilience So Elusive?
  • The Resiliently Agile Organization
  • Agile Strategizing
  • Agile Implementation
  • HR's Role in Building a High-Performance Work Climate
  • Agile Linkages
  • Agile People Processes
  • Nurturing Employee Engagement and Resilience
  • Change and Transformation
  • Building a Change-able Culture
  • Agile Leadership