The Agile Edge: Managing Projects Effectively Using Agile Scrum

  • 1h 4m
  • Brian Vanderjack
  • Business Expert Press
  • 2015

This book is intended to provide new members of an Agile Scrum team a concise, highly organized and cogent description of what Agile Scrum is and how it works. Then, it expands its scope to address key topics in Agile, that virtually all Agile participants will eventually want to deal with: how to drive to success more often, common issues in Agile utilization and recommended solutions, increasing the business value of key Agile meetings (called Ceremonies), and a path to Agile adoption will also be shared. A fundamental of business is constant change. The Agile methodology embraces change, this is why dozens of Fortune 500s are adopting Agile. Agile also has a process by which the most important work gets done first; possibly providing value to the business well before the project is completed. And, another key facet of Agile is work is shared with the paying client (called a Project Owner) regularly; meaning that the team will never be too far out of line with expectations. However, Agile teams are very tight (close-knit), this means that one needs every advantage to be accepted by the team quickly, this is why the foundations of Agile are addressed in this book, along with a personal onboarding strategy.

About the Author

Brian Vanderjack holds an MBA, granted with distinction from DePaul University, and a PMP issued by the Project Management Institute. He has published several articles on Agile, project management, and team leadership that were internationally distributed. He is a regular speaker at IB on Agile topics and has also held seminars at several universities and agencies. Currently Brian is the Agile coach for one of the largest IT departments in the world.

In this Book

  • A Fast Look at an Agile Scrum Project
  • How Agile Scrum Works
  • The System that Supports the Process
  • The Agile Scrum Team
  • A Look at Risk from Classical Project Management