The A3 Workbook: Unlock Your Problem-Solving Mind

  • 2h 16m
  • Daniel D. Matthews
  • CRC Press
  • 2011

Encouraging efficiency, clarity, and disciplined thinking, A3 Problem Solving identifies a problem, describes the objective, and summarizes fact finding and action steps, all on a single A3-sized piece of paper. This approach provides all employees at all levels with a method to quickly identify a problem, analyze it to root cause, select appropriate countermeasures, and communicate necessary actions to decision makers.

The A3 Workbook: Unlock Your Problem-Solving Mind is designed to teach A3 Problem Solving to workers at every level of an organization. Uniquely qualified to author this workbook, Daniel Matthews is an expert trainer with 30 years of training experience including Lean implementation and Training within Industry (TWI). Fourteen of those years he spent with the Toyota Company, which created and made use of the A3 as a core component of continuous quality improvement.

This workbook provides a practical tool for solving specific problems or for making a specific proposal, while also encouraging the development of a corporate culture that empowers all employees to support continuous improvement. The workbook follows the progression of a basic A3 Problem Solving format, offering instructions every step of the way. To reinforce learning, it includes —

  • Case studies that readers can use to complete A3s
  • Tips on how to improve the readability of A3s
  • Examples of Problem Solving A3s, and a Proposal A3
  • Exercises to reinforce what’s learned
  • Worksheet templates that can be reproduced for future problem solving

An effective problem-solving process is a critical part of implementing efficient business practices and a problem-solving culture is a fundamental component of empowering employees to support business improvements. Both of these components, taken together, can help any organization make continuous improvements on the long journey to creating a more productive and profitable business.

About the Author

Included in Daniel Matthews' 30-year career is more than 14 years of supervisory and management experience with Toyota Motor Manufacturing and Toyota Industrial Equipment Manufacturing. He is skilled as a trainer, coach, and implementer of Lean Manufacturing, having trained hundreds of associates in the methods of the Toyota Production System (TPS).

During his time with Toyota, Daniel became an experienced Training Within Industry (TWI) instructor. The TWI program is widely recognized as the foundation for Lean Manufacturing.

Daniel has helped both leaders and associates build the skills they need to support a Lean culture, including problem solving, team building, facilitation, coaching, communication, conflict management, and leadership both in the classroom and on the shop floor.

Daniel's skills as a TWI and A3 Problem Solving instructor have led to speaking engagements in the printing, automotive, and general manufacturing industries.

Daniel graduated summa cum laude from Indiana Wesleyan University with a degree in business administration where he was a two-time recipient of the Outstanding Business Professional Award.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Problem Situation
  • Target
  • Theme
  • Loud-&-Clear Speaker
  • Cause Analysis
  • Countermeasures
  • Implementation
  • Follow-up
  • Putting It All Together
  • Improve Your A3's Effectiveness


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