The 80/20 Principle and 92 Other Powerful Laws of Nature

  • 5h 43m
  • Richard Koch
  • Nicholas Brealey Publishing
  • 2014

In this follow-up to his best-selling The 80/20 Principle the power law that helped hundreds of thousands achieve more by doing less, Richard Koch puts science to work, applying ninety-two other natural laws to promote the "science of success" within the ever-changing world of business. What does Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection prove about developing a niche product line? How can Isaac Newton's laws of motion and gravity help in a crowded marketplace? This is a must-read book for business leaders looking for clear, evidence-based reasoning that explains why some companies seem to find success everywhere they turn, while others don't make progress.

About the Author

Richard Koch is a British author, speaker, and investor, and a former management consultant and entrepreneur. He has written over twenty books on business and ideas, including The 80/20 Principle, about how to apply the Pareto principle in management and life. Koch got an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, worked as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group, and at Bain & Company from 1980 to 1983. In 1983 he co-founded The LEK Partnership, an international strategy consulting firm, with headquarters in London.

In this Book

  • Overture—On Appreciating a Wonky World
  • On Evolution by Natural Selection
  • On Mendel's Genes, Selfish Genes and Business Genes
  • On Gause's Laws
  • On Evolutionary Psychology
  • On Resolving the Prisoner's Dilemma
  • Concluding Note
  • On Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravity
  • On Relativity
  • On Quantum Mechanics
  • Concluding Note
  • On Chaos and Complexity
  • On the 80/20 Principle
  • On Punctuated Equilibrium, the Tipping Point, and Increasing Returns
  • On the Paradox of Enrichment, Entropy, and Unintended Consequences
  • Concluding Note
  • Finale—On the Gospel According to the Power Laws