Tera-Tom on Teradata SQL V12

  • 8h 22m
  • Tom Coffing
  • Coffing Data Warehousing
  • 2011

With over 500 pages of brilliant explanations, real-world examples, and every trick of the trade this will serve you brilliantly and be the only SQL book you will ever need. Plus, this will get you ready for your Teradata SQL certification.

About the Author

Tera-Tom is the most famous Teradata expert in the world. His 30 books on Teradata have earned him a reputation as the greatest technical book writer of all time. Tom is also considered by many to be the greatest teacher the technical world has ever known, with over 1,000 Teradata classes taught throughout the world in places like the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, India, China, and Malaysia. Tom's in depth knowledge of computers combined with his world class speaking abilities has thrilled students worldwide for over 20 years. He is fondly referred to as Tera-Tom by all his students and readers. Tom Coffing is the CEO and President of Coffing Data Warehousing founded CoffingDW over a decade ago and the company has grown to be one of the premier training, consulting, and product development firms in the industry. Tom is an award winning actor, national champion speaker, All-American college athlete, writer, product developer, film producer, and family man. Tom is the mastermind behind the Nexus Query Chameleon, a business user s dream desktop tool designed for all aspects of Business Intelligence. The Nexus is the first BI tool designed to access multiple computer vendor's databases including Teradata, Oracle, IBM, Netezza, Greenplum, and Microsoft.

In this Book

  • Teradata Parallel Architecture
  • Fundamental SQL Using SELECT
  • On-line HELP and SHOW Commands
  • Data Conversions
  • Aggregation
  • Subquery Processing
  • Join Processing
  • Date and Time Processing
  • Character String Processing
  • OLAP Functions
  • SET Operators
  • Data Manipulation
  • Data Interrogation
  • View Processing
  • Macro Processing
  • Transaction Processing
  • Reporting Totals and Subtotals
  • Data Definition Language
  • Temporary Tables
  • Trigger Processing
  • Stored Procedures
  • Temporal Tables