Telling Training's Story: Evaluation Made Simple, Credible, and Effective
- 3h 38m
- Robert O. Brinkerhoff
- Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- 2006
No matter how much trainers believe that their work is valuable, clients will always want solid, objective evidence that the training they're spending good money on is effective. Telling Training's Story provides the tools to do just that, allowing anyone to measure a training regime's effectiveness and prove it to customers. The book's central tool is the Success Case Method (SCM), and although the SCM is rigorous enough to convince even the harshest skeptic, it's also easy to understand. The book first explains how the SCM works, and then lays out a five-step plan that shows how to perform an SCM evaluation. Later chapters elaborate on the SCM process, providing in-depth instructions and guidelines. There are also four case studies that show how SCM evaluations were performed by global organizations. Filled with examples and checklists, Telling Training's Story levels the playing field by granting trainers the ability to prove what they know in their heart — training works.
About the Author
Robert O.Brinkerhoff, an internationally recognized expert in evaluation and training effectiveness, has provided consultation to dozens of major companies and organizations in the United States, South Africa, Russia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Brinkerhoff’s clients include leading companies and agencies in virtually all corporate, government agency, and non-profit sectors. An author of numerous books on evaluation and training, Dr. Brinkerhoff, has been a keynote speaker and presenter at hundreds of conferences and institutes worldwide. Many leading corporations and agencies have adopted his methods and tools for training evaluation and effectiveness.
Dr. Brinkerhoff earned a doctorate at the University of Virginia in program evaluation and is currently Professor of Counseling Psychology at Western Michigan University, where he coordinates graduate programs in human resource development. He also serves as principal consultant and CEO for The Learning Alliance in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a firm that provides consultation in training effectiveness and measurement and also offers training and certification in the Success Case Method. He is exclusively aligned and partnered with Advantage Performance Group, Inc.
In this Book
Getting to the Heart of Training Impact
How the Success Case Method Works—Two Basic Steps
Success Case Method Strategy—Building Organizational Learning Capacity
Focusing and Planning a Success Case Method Study
Constructing a Simple Training Impact Model
Fishing for Success—Conducting the SCM Survey
Sorting the “Catch”—Analyzing Survey Results
Digging Out and Telling the Stories—the SCM Interviews
Drawing Compelling Conclusions
Sales Training at Grundfos
Service Technician Training at the Compaq Computer Corporation
Coaching and Training at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf®
Executive Development at Allstate Insurance