Technology Road Mapping for Quantum Computing and Engineering

  • 4h 41m
  • Brojo Kishore Mishra
  • IGI Global
  • 2022

Quantum computing is radically different from the conventional approach of transforming bit-strings from one set of zeros and ones to another. With quantum computing, everything changes. The physics used to understand bits of information and the devices that manipulate them are vastly different. Quantum engineering is a revolutionary approach to quantum technology.

Technology Road Mapping for Quantum Computing and Engineering explores all the aspects of quantum computing concepts, engineering, technologies, operations, and applications from the basics to future advancements. Covering topics such as machine learning, quantum software technology, and technology road mapping, this book is an excellent resource for data scientists, engineers, students and professors of higher education, computer scientists, researchers, and academicians.

About the Author

Brojo Kishore Mishra awarded Ph.D. in Computer Science from Berhampur University in the year 2012 for his excellent work in the field of Web Mining. He worked in several reputed private Engineering Colleges and state University at a different level for more than last 15 years. Presently, he is a Professor with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Associate Dean - International Affairs at GIET University, Gunupur, India and also working as Joint Secretary of IEEE Bhubaneswar subsection. He has published more than 80 publications in reputed international conferences, journals and online book chapter contributions (Indexed By: SCI, SCIE, SSCI, Scopus, DBLP) and 13 edited books, 02 authored books, 02 patents, 01 copyright and 03 book series. He has successfully guided 01 Ph.D. research scholar and currently 06 research scholars are continuing. He served in the capacity of keynote speaker, program chair, proceeding chair, publicity chair, and as advisory board members of many International conferences also. He is also a life member of ISTE, CSI, and senior member of IEEE.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Introduction and Beginners Guide to Quantum Computing
  • An Introductory Study to Quantum Programming
  • Recent Developments in Quantum Computing and Their Challenges
  • A Taxonomy of Quantum Computing Algorithms—Advancements and Anticipations
  • A Review on Applications of Quantum Computing in Machine Learning
  • The Potential of Quantum Computing in Healthcare
  • Quantum Software Engineering and Technology
  • Simulation of Bloch Sphere for a Single Qubit
  • Hidden Treasures of Semiconducting Materials for Quantum Computing—An Upcoming Fortune for Supercomputing
  • Tunable Attenuator Based on Hybrid Metal-Graphene Structure on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Waveguide
  • Conclusion
  • Glossary
  • Compilation of References
  • Related References


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