Take Charge of Your Talent: Three Keys to Thriving in Your Career, Organization, and Life

  • 2h 52m
  • Don Maruska, Jay Perry
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • 2013

Whether you’re the new kid in a cubicle, the boss in the executive suite, or self-employed, you have huge potential for greater productivity and fulfillment. Even very high performers in excellent organizations—large and small, for profit and nonprofit—report that 30 to 40 percent of their talent is untapped. Imagine what lies waiting for you.

Take Charge of Your Talent details three keys to develop and enjoy your abilities. You’ll discover new ways to identify your aspirations and opportunities, power past obstacles, and translate your intentions into results. Finally, you’ll create a personal brand with enduring career assets that will multiply the payoffs for yourself and your organization.

About the Authors

Don Maruska founded and was CEO of three Silicon Valley companies and now inspires and guides leaders and teams around the world to be their best in their work and careers. He is the author of How Great Decisions Get Made.

Jay Perry is one of the founders of Coach University and the International Coach Federation and has over two decades of experience bringing forth the creative genius of people in all walks of life.

In this Book

  • Be Your Own Hero
  • Explore a Talent Catalyst Conversation
  • Connect with a Catalyst
  • Keep Your Hopes Humming
  • Grab Opportunities to Grow
  • Challenge Yourself to Stretch
  • Create Enduring Career Assets
  • Share the Wealth and Everyone Wins
  • Champion a Take-Charge Talent Culture


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