Sustainable Products: Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Management, Supply Chains, Eco-Design

  • 3h 48m
  • Michael Has
  • De Gruyter Inc
  • 2022

Sustainable production presented from an overarching perspective. The book provides information on the identification and assessment of footprints, concepts of sustainability practice in manufacturing companies, stakeholder management and communication. For the reader

  • practical examples permit the analysis of the current situation and emerging developments.
  • the current technical status of footprint analysis according to the Green House Gas Protocol is displayed.
  • case studies with a focus on the manufacturing industry are discussed.

About the Author

Michael Has, Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut Polytechnique Grenoble PAGORA, International School for Biomaterials, Grenoble, France.

In this Book

  • Historical Development and Basic Ideas
  • Economic-Ecological Concepts
  • Business and Sustainability
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
  • Environmental Footprints and Their Calculation
  • Eco-Design
  • Life Cycle Assessment of an Organisation
  • Energy and Material Strategy
  • Stakeholder and Their Contributions
  • Audits
  • Information and Transparency
  • Instead of a Conclusion – A Perspective?
  • Annex