Sustainable Finance And Impact Investing
- 3h 44m
- Alan S. Gutterman
- Business Expert Press
- 2021
The term impact investing first appeared in 2008 and today the most commonly used definition is investing made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. A similar formulation was adopted by the G8s Social Impact Investment Taskforce: the defining characteristic of impact investment is that the goal of generating financial returns is unequivocally pursued within the context of setting impact objectives and measuring their achievement. Impact investing has occurred in both emerging and developed markets and the goals of impact investors in committing their capital and ancillary resources ranging from below market to market rate returns. Impact investing has occurred in a broad range of sectors including sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, conservation and microfinance, and governments and private enterprises have turned to impact investing tools to address challenges that have arisen relating to the delivery of basic services such as housing, healthcare and education.
About the Author
Alan S. Gutterman’s prolific output of practical guidance and tools for legal and financial professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and investors has made him one of the best-selling individual authors in the global legal publishing marketplace. Alan has authored or edited over 90 books on sustainable entrepreneurship, leadership and management, business law and transactions, international law and business and technology management for a number of publishers. Alan has extensive experience with internationally recognized law firms counseling small and large business enterprises and has also held senior management positions with several technology-based businesses. For more information about Alan and his activities, please visit his website at
In this Book
Sustainable Finance
What Is Impact Investing?
Impact Investment Tools, Structures, and Instruments
Organizing for Impact Investment
Doing the Deal
Impact Measurement and Reporting