Supply Chain Risk: Understanding Emerging Threats to Global Supply Chains

  • 4h 31m
  • John Manners-Bell
  • Kogan Page
  • 2014

Supply Chain Risk assesses the various sources of external threats, including environmental, geopolitical, economic and technological. John Manners-Bell clearly describes the evolving risks to supply chains and how multinational corporations should be dealing with them at a strategic level. He examines the lack of supply visibility that puts businesses at risk and includes case studies of best practice, as well as examples of when and how things go wrong.

Covering global issues, trends and developments, case studies look at: the tsunami in Japan, floods in Thailand, volcanic ash clouds over Europe, counterfeit hi-tech goods in China, Hurricane Katrina and Cisco's suppliers going out of business due to the recession. Each case study describes a company’s supply chain and production/ sourcing strategy; a description of the catastrophic event which occurred; consequences to supply chain and management response; material losses incurred and resultant changes to company supply chain strategy.

With useful downloadable resources, Supply Chain Risk is an essential read for risk managers, supply chain managers, supply chain operators and anyone interested in risk management and its growing impact on the supply chain.

In this Book

  • Supply Chain Risk—Understanding Emerging Threats to Global Supply Chains
  • About this Book
  • Introduction
  • A framework for understanding risk
  • Engineering supply chain resilience
  • Industry sector resilience to supply chain threats
  • Natural disasters, climate change and pandemics
  • Economic risks to the supply chain
  • Societal risks to supply chains
  • Terrorism and security
  • Corruption in the logistics industry
  • Cargo crime and piracy
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Further Reading


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