Super User Networks for Software Projects: Best Practices for Training and Change Management

  • 3h 50m
  • Jayne Mather
  • BCS
  • 2023

Digital transformation is essential for any organisation looking to stay competitive and succeed in the modern world. This book is designed to help project, learning, and change professionals to utilise best practice methods to accelerate digital transformation, implement new systems and adopt new technology into an organisation.

The Super User model is a proven, valuable methodology for large transformational projects. Super User Networks for Software Projects provides you with the tools, techniques, and theory needed to give you a comprehensive plan for how Super Users can add value at each phase of your project from software design; change management; testing; training and through to the transition into business as usual.

If your organisation is investing in new technology, you cannot afford not to use Super Users to drive change, promote excellence, enhance capability, and successfully adopt the latest step in your digital transformation journey.

About the Author

Jayne Mather is an experienced IT professional with over 25 years of experience initiating and working on projects to implement software and technology into global organisations. Throughout her career, she has seen what works and actively embraced new methods and techniques, adding them to her toolkit. With a passion for IT systems and emerging technology, Jayne is determined to spread her enthusiasm to end-users, leading to more successful technology adoption and ROI for organizations. Jayne's academic credentials include an MBA and CIPD in Learning & Development, enabling her to combine theory with experience to create a compelling case for why Super Users are an invaluable asset to deploy.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Who is This Book For?
  • How to Use This Book
  • Why Do We Need Super Users?
  • Is a Super User the Right Role for Your Software Project?
  • What is the Roadmap for Using a Super User Network?
  • What Will a Super User DO?...
  • How Do We Recruit and Select Our Super Users?
  • What Does a Super User Role Profile Look Like?
  • How Can We Create a Super User Community?
  • How Do We Develop a Change Management Plan?
  • How Do We Develop a Communication Plan?
  • How Do We Develop a Training Plan?
  • How Do We Develop a Super User Education Programme?
  • How Do We Deliver a Train the Trainer Course for Super Users?
  • How Do We Design Elearning for Software Training?
  • How Do We Deliver Software Training?
  • How Do We Evaluate the Training Strategy and User Adoption?
  • How Do We Deploy Super Users Throughout the Software Life Cycle?
  • How Can Change Management Theory Support the Super User Model?
  • How Can Neuroscience Theory Support the Super User Model?
  • How Can Adult Learning Theory Support the Super User Model?
  • How Can Knowledge Management Theory Support the Super User Model?
  • How Can Project Failure Research Support the Super User Model?
  • How Can Leadership Theory Support the Super User Model?
  • How Will other Project Roles Work with Your Super Users?
  • What Systems Can I Use Super Users With?
  • How Can Super Users Improve System Adoption?
  • How Can We Sustain Our Super User Community?
  • Conclusion
  • Acronyms and Glossary of Terms
  • References
  • Further Reading


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