Style Bible: What to Wear to Work

  • 3h 21m
  • Lauren A. Rothman
  • Bibliomotion
  • 2014

First impressions (and second ones!) count, whether you are an intern or a CEO. Lauren A. Rothman addresses an age-old dilemma: how to be appropriate and stylish in the workplace. Based on a decade of experience in the fashion industry, she
 addresses the basics of fashion and executive presence by offering advice, anecdotes, and style alerts that help readers avoid major fashion faux pas at the office. Style Bible: What to Wear to Work is the must-read resource for the modern professional, male or female, climbing the ladder of success. Lauren identifies the ultimate wardrobe essentials, and reveals shopping strategies and destinations for the everyday person. Style Bible, complete with helpful illustrations, is the go-to manual on how to dress for every professional occasion and a valuable resource for understanding dress codes by industry, city, and gender so that your visual cues will make a strong impact. Make a commitment to being better dressed at work with Style Bible.

About the Author

Lauren A. Rothman, also known as the Styleauteur, is a fashion, style, and trend expert. Lauren has discussed executive presence, political style, and First Family fashions on Entertainment Tonight, CNN, E! News, The Insider, AP News, Reuters, and ABC News. She is greatly sought after as a stylist, and her tips on wardrobe management have been featured in Glamour, Real Simple, People StyleWatch, The Washington Post, The New York Post, Politico, as well as on NPR, and XM/Sirius radio. Lauren writes a column, Fashion Whip, for The Huffington Post, on style and politics, and works with individual and corporate clients to help increase their style quotient. She got her start as an intern at Elle Magazine and her wide-ranging experience includes positions as a cool hunter at Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve, and a personal shopper at Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue.

In this Book

  • Style Bible—What to Wear to Work
  • Introduction
  • Style Matters
  • Fashion 101 For Women
  • Fashion 101 For Men
  • Women’s Accessories And Men’s Furnishings
  • Primping And Prepping
  • Deciphering The Workplace Dress Code
  • Identify Your Perfect Fit
  • Shop Your Closet
  • Shopping Without An Expense Account
  • Life In The Spotlight