Stress in the Workplace

  • 13m
  • Jeff Davidson
  • Tony Alessandra
  • 2010

New projects, new tasks, a new email about that old project – the tasks add up and threaten to choke you with an ever-deepening sensation of stress. With rising deadline pressure, the frustrations of constantly evolving technology, and the increasing challenges in management, the modern workplace has many employees feeling constantly stressed – everyday feels like a fight to survive in a junglelike environment.

Job stress involves the physical and emotional response to harmful working conditions, including circumstances where the job requirements exceed the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker.

In this book, you will learn why much of the stress you experience in the workplace may be organizationally induced, and gain tips as a manager or staff worker for carving a saner path.

In this Book

  • The Number One Health Risk
  • An Organizational Culture of Stress
  • Stress in the Start-up Company
  • All Too Common
  • When Your Boss Encourages Workaholism
  • The Importance of Keeping Stress Levels in Check
  • Simple Ways to Maintain Balance
  • Face Your Space
  • Make Your Time Away Count