Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative

  • 13h 56m
  • Ben E. Dowell, Rob Silzer
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2010

Organizations today understand that superior talent can create competitive business advantage. Executives are working with human resource managers and talent professionals to significantly improve their organization's ability to attract, develop, deploy, and retain the talent needed to achieve the organization's strategies. Effective CEOs and senior leaders are realizing that strong talent resources are as critical to business success as financial resources.

This book in the SIOP Professional Practice Series provides an up-to-date review and summary of current and leading-edge talent management practices in organizations. A comprehensive book, Strategy-Driven Talent Management brings together an outstanding group of leading practitioners who present state-of-the-art ideas, best practices, and guidance on how to recruit, select, assimilate, develop, and retain exceptional talent and integrate talent management efforts with organizational strategy. Written for human resource professionals, industrial-organizational psychologists, and corporate executives, this key resource is a clear must-read guide to the emerging field of strategic talent management.

Strategy-Driven Talent Management

  • shows how to build competitive advantage through an integrated and strategic talent management program.
  • summarizes what it takes to attract, develop, deploy, and retain the best talent for the strategic needs of an organization.
  • reviews critical issues such as managing talent in global organizations and measuring the effectiveness of talent management programs.
  • Includes case examples and CEO interviews from leading-edge companies such as PepsiCo, Microsoft, Home Depot, Cargill, and Allstate, which reveal how each of these organizations drives talent management with their business strategies.

This essential must-have HR resource offers insight into the future of strategic talent management, an extensive annotated bibliography and suggestions for preparing the next generation of organizational leaders.

About the Authors

Rob Silzer is the managing director of HR Assessment and Development, Inc. For more than twenty-five years he has consulted with managers, HR professionals, executives, and CEOs from more than 150 organizations. Dr. Silzer specializes in executive and management leadership, assessment, selection, coaching, and development, and in strategically driven HR systems. He is editor of The 21st Century Executive: Innovative Practices for Building Leadership at the Top and co-editor with Richard Jeanneret of Individual Psychological Assessment: Predicting Behavior in Organizational Settings.

Ben E. Dowell is an independent talent management consultant. He was vice president of talent management for the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. His experience spans 30 years primarily working within companies to align talent management actions, systems, and processes with the strategic needs of the enterprise. Dr. Dowell specializes in talent management processes for senior leaders including succession planning and management, executive selection, and executive coaching.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Strategic Talent Management Matters
  • Building Competitive Advantage through Integrated Talent Management
  • Building the Talent Pipeline—Attracting and Recruiting the Best and Brightest
  • Ropes to Skip and the Ropes to Know—Facilitating Executive Onboarding
  • Identifying and Assessing High-Potential Talent—Current Organizational Practices
  • Developing Leadership Talent—Delivering on the Promise of Structured Programs
  • Developing Leadership Talent through Experiences
  • Changing Behavior One Leader at a Time
  • Managing Leadership Talent Pools
  • Employee Engagement—A Focus on Leaders
  • Building Functional Expertise to Enhance Organizational Capability
  • Managing and Measuring the Talent Management Function
  • Managing Talent in Global Organizations
  • Managing Talent in China
  • Take the Pepsi Challenge—Talent Development at PepsiCo
  • Integrated Talent Management at Microsoft
  • They Can Do it! You Can Help!—A Look at Talent Practices at the Home Depot
  • Allstate's “Good Hands” Approach to Talent Management—An Interview with Ed Liddy and Joan Crockett
  • A View from the Top on Talent Management—An Interview with Warren Staley, Recently Retired CEO of Cargill Incorporated
  • Chief Human Resource Officer Perspectives on Talent Management
  • Building Sustainable Talent through Talent Management—Benefits, Challenges, and Future Directions
  • Critical Research Issues in Talent Management
  • Talent Management—An Annotated Bibliography


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