Strategic Value Creation: Design and Execute a Strategy for Breakthrough Returns

  • 8h 8m
  • Jon Andrew, Rupert Morrison
  • Kogan Page
  • 2024

Strategic Value Creation shows how senior business leaders can design and execute a data-driven strategy for their organizations to ensure that value creation is focused on the customer segments most integral to business success.

Value creation underpins any successful business and businesses that fail to create unique value for their customers will struggle to survive. This book demonstrates how to recognize when strategy, thinking and actions are flawed, how to correct these and how to devise and implement an effective strategy that unlocks the power of value creation. It provides the practical tools necessary to put strategic theories and frameworks into practice and explains the data needed at every step.

Strategic Value Creation shares the powerful 4Ds framework for strategy execution: Diagnose today, Design tomorrow, Draw the plan and Deliver with data. This framework outlines how to use data for diagnosis, analyse value factors for customer segmentation, determine the value factors their customers value the most and ensure differentiation from competitors. It also covers how to track and measure performance against stated objectives and risks, improve board packs, board back commentary and board meeting effectiveness, and capture and categorize actions, ensuring they are managed effectively.

About the Author

Rupert Morrison is an industry leader and entrepreneur in data-driven business. He is the founder and CEO of Arahi and was previously the CEO and co-founder of Concentra Analytics. He is the author of Data-Driven Organizational Design and Organizational Planning and Analysis, both published by Kogan Page, and is based in London, UK.

Jon Andrew is co-founder of Arahi. He has over 30 years' experience in value creation, working alongside CEOs and management teams, and is based in London, UK.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction to Strategic Value Creation—The Premise of This Book Is Simple: Businesses That Fail to Create Value Won’t Survive
  • Challenges and Paradoxes—Achieving Breakthroughs Requires Grit, Passion, Discipline, Hard Work and the Desire to Embrace a Challenge
  • Core Truths, Frameworks and Communication Pillars—Never Stop Thinking, Questioning… And Learning
  • What Is Strategy?—Strategy Is the Way You Design a Unique Set of Capabilities to Deliver Differentiating Value Factors, Overcome Your Key Challenge and Economically Fulfil Your Purpose and Ambition
  • Diagnose Today: Confront Your Brutal Truth—Become Obsessive about Knowing Your Customers and What They Value
  • Design Tomorrow—Your Strategy Should Tell a Compelling, Consistent and Coherent Story
  • Introducing BROP-A
  • The Bridges of BROP-A—The Only Way to Eat an Elephantis to Do It One Bite at a Time
  • Risk Taking . . . And Management—Take Risks
  • Objectives: Milestones, Measures and Dependencies—Achieving Objectives Is a Team Sport, Not an Individual One
  • The Integrated Plan—See the Wood for the Trees and Understand the Critical Path Through the Forest
  • Introduction – The ‘A’ Of BROP-A—This Is the a for Action. This Is Where It’s At
  • The Role of the Board and the Board Pack
  • Forums and Meetings—Meetings That Don’t Result in Action Are Nothing but Group Therapy
  • Action Management—Give Inaction No Room to Hide
  • Improving the Odds of Breakthrough Returns—Keep the Interests of the Business at the Heart of Everything You Do
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography