Strategic Human Resource Development: A Journey in Eight Stages

  • 7h 21m
  • Matthias T. Meifert (ed)
  • Springer
  • 2013
  • A systematic tour d'horizon of strategic HR development
  • A pragmatic approach in eight vividly explained stages
  • Including numerous case studies and pragmatic checklists

In an era that has brought new and unexpected challenges for virtually every company, one would be hard-pressed to find any responsible manager who is not thinking about what the future will bring. In the wake of these challenges, strategic planning has moved from being the reserve of large corporations to becoming an essential need for even small and medium-sized enterprises. But what good is even the most convincing strategic concept if the company’s people are unwilling or unable to put it into practice? The key is to develop people, and to develop them not only for the work of today, but also for the challenges that the future holds. Strategic HR development has become a decisive force for the success of any business. This book, edited by Matthias T. Meifert, shows us which basic considerations we need to remember and what strategic HR development means in practice. Its interesting and vivid approach takes the reader on a tour of the eight stages of HR development, introduces the critical factors, and highlights many practical recommendations for strategic HR development practice in business. The second German edition picks up on the popular original edition of 2008 and revises it to match recent developments. Again, it has managed to square the circle of giving a forum to leading researchers in the field while leaving enough room for a close and vivid survey of the practitioner’s experience with the topic. Anybody who wants to know what strategic HR development can mean and how it can be introduced in practice at a company cannot pass by this essential book.

About the Editor

Meifert, Matthias T., PhD., born 1968, is a Partner at Kienbaum Management Consultants GmbH, Berlin, where he is in charge of the Human Resource Management unit. He is active as a management consultant, coach, and trainer, with a focus on aspects of strategic HR development, project management, effective HR management, the management of complex change projects, and leadership. He has advised and coached numerous individual managers and businesses on the practice and tools for leadership. In his work, he applies a consultancy concept that is highly practice-centric and holistic. His experience arises from his academic background in business education and from twelve years of management practice at a German corporate bank. Matthias Meifert has published numerous papers on topics including strategic HR development and cooperates actively with academic partners, such as the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel.

In this Book

  • What Is Strategic About Strategic HR Development?
  • The State of HR Development: Taking Stock
  • Institutionalising HR Development: Strategic HR Development in Germany and Around the World
  • Prologue—The Stages in Brief
  • Stage 1—Strategies for HR Development
  • Stage 2—Controlling HR Development
  • Stage 3—Competence Management
  • Stage 4—Performance Management
  • Stage 5—Talent Management
  • Stage 6—Qualification Management
  • Stage 7—Retention Management
  • Culture Management
  • Persuading How? How to Handle the Sponsors of PD Projects
  • Responding How? Coping with Slimmer Budgets
  • Shaping What? Systematic HR Development in the Functional Cycle
  • Controlling How? Measure, So You Can Manage
  • Comparing What? The Sense and Nonsense of Development Benchmarks
  • Globalising How? The Route Towards International HR Development
  • Organisational Energy as the Engine of Success: Managing Energy Effectively with Strategic HR Development


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