Strategic Communications in Africa: The Sub-Saharan Context

  • 5h 56m
  • Ernest Jakaza, Hugh Mangeya, Isaac Mhute
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2022

Strategic communication is a pre-requisite for the achievement of organisational goals, and an effective strategic communication plan is vital for organisational success. However, systems and models dominant in the West may not necessarily be best suited for the sub-Saharan Africa reality, where many organisations lack adequate financial resources to develop and implement an effective strategic communication plan.

This book examines current practices in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the challenges faced and the intersection with culture. It packages inspiring debates, experiences and insights relating to strategic communication in all types of institutions, including private and public sector organisations, governmental organisations and NGOs, political parties as well as social movements in the sub-Saharan context. It explores how culture is integral to the attainment of strategic communication goals, and diverse case studies across socio-economic contexts offer insights into the successes of organisations across Africa, including Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Lesotho and Nigeria.

This unique edited collection is a valuable resource for worldwide scholars, researchers and students of strategic communication and organisational studies, as well as related fields including public relations, advertising, political and health communication and international studies.

About the Author

Hugh Mangeya is a Lecturer in the Department of English and Communication at Midlands State University, Zimbabwe. He is the Editor of The Dyke (Journal of the Midlands State University). His major research interests lie in alternative mediation with a specific focus on how citizens in Zimbabwe have appropriated graffiti and the social media as mediascapes for speaking back to power. He has published a number of journal articles and book chapters with accredited publishers.

Isaac Mhute is an Associate Professor in Midlands State University’s Department of English and Communication. He is a Doctor of Literature and Philosophy in African Linguistics graduate (University of South Africa). His research interests mainly lie in language policy and development, syntax, onomastics as well as language and communication issues in education, among others. He is chief examiner for language and literature in an international examining board, professional editor and translator/back translator (English and Shona).

Ernest Jakaza is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English and Communication at Midlands State University, Zimbabwe. He has published an edited book, a number of book chapters and journal articles with accredited publishers. His research interests include discourse analysis, political discourse, argumentation and appraisal discourse.

In this Book

  • Introduction: Conceptualising Strategic Communication in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Strategic Communication: Can African Indigenous Popular Music Come to Play?
  • “Keep Speaking Vernacular”: Yoruba Language as a Strategic Communication Tool for Consumers' Gaining and Sales Promotion in Streets Adverts of Product and Services in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria
  • Iconic Animals and Basotho's Identities: The Relational Image of a People in Selected Epitaphs
  • The Narrative as an Organisation's DNA in Strategic Communication: The Case of Matonjeni
  • Introducing the Stakeholder-Oriented Strategic Communicative Control Approach
  • Sexually Suggestive Content in Advertising: A Multimodal Social Semiotic Analysis of Mambo's Chicken Advertisements on Twitter
  • The Relationship between Social Media and Social Capital: A Case of Seed Co Limited, Zimbabwe
  • Pursuing Knowledge Translation: The Missing Link in Knowledge Economies of Developing Countries
  • Strategic Communication in Sub-Saharan Africa: Reappraisal of John Marston's RACE Model of the Public Relations Process
  • A Socio-Cultural Approach to Corporate Reputation Management: A Case of Clicks Pharmaceuticals, South Africa
  • Research for Strategic Communication as a Vehicle for Reputation Management: A Case of Mugabe's ZANU-PF
  • Discontinuance Discourses as an Organisation's Strategic Communication: A Case of ZANU-PF
  • Is Social Media a Solution to Limited Media Space? Communicating Alternative Politics in Tanzania
  • A Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Landscape and Political Conflict in Zimbabwe from 2000 to the Mnangagwa Era
  • Conclusion: Strategic Communication in Sub-Saharan Africa and Its Futures