Step-by-Step Programming with Base SAS 9.4
- 11h 15m
- SAS Institute
- SAS Institute
- 2013
Provides conceptual information about the SAS programming language, as well as step-by-step examples that illustrate the concepts.
In this Book
About This Book
What's New in Step-by-Step Programming with Base SAS 9.4
Accessibility Features of Step-by-Step Programming with Base SAS 9.4
What is the SAS System?
Working with Output Defaults
Introduction to DATA Step Processing
Starting with Raw Data—The Basics
Starting with Raw Data—Beyond the Basics
Starting with SAS Data Sets
Understanding DATA Step Processing
Working with Numeric Variables
Working with Character Variables
Acting on Selected Observations
Creating Subsets of Observations
Working with Grouped or Sorted Observations
Using More than One Observation in a Calculation
Finding Shortcuts in Programming
Working with Dates in the SAS System
Methods of Combining SAS Data Sets
Concatenating SAS Data Sets
Interleaving SAS Data Sets
Merging SAS Data Sets
Updating SAS Data Sets
Modifying SAS Data Sets
Conditionally Processing Observations from Multiple SAS Data Sets
Analyzing Your SAS Session with the SAS Log
Directing SAS Output and the SAS Log
Diagnosing and Avoiding Errors
Finding Logic Errors in Your Program
Producing Detail Reports with the PRINT Procedure
Creating Summary Tables with the TABULATE Procedure
Creating Detail and Summary Reports with the REPORT Procedure
Plotting the Relationship between Variables
Producing Charts to Summarize Variables
Writing Lines to the SAS Log or to an Output File
Understanding and Customizing SAS Output—The Basics
Understanding and Customizing SAS Output—The Output Delivery System (ODS)
Understanding SAS Libraries
Managing SAS Libraries
Getting Information about Your SAS Data Sets
Modifying SAS Data Set Names and Variable Attributes
Copying, Moving, and Deleting SAS Data Sets
Introducing the SAS Environment
Using the SAS Windowing Environment
Customizing the SAS Environment