Statistical and Managerial Techniques for Six Sigma Methodology: Theory and Application

  • 5h 24m
  • Eva Lo Franco, Stefano Barone
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2012

Statistical and Managerial Techniques for Six Sigma Methodology examines the methodology through illustrating the most widespread tool and techniques involved in Six Sigma application. Both managerial and statistical aspects of Six Sigma will be analyzed, allowing the reader to apply these tools in the field. This book offers an insight on variation and risk management, and focuses on the structure and organizational aspects of the Six Sigma projects. It covers six sigma methodology, basic managerial techniques, basic statistical techniques, methods for variation and risk management and advanced statistical techniques. Clear and practical examples and demonstrations are included throughout the book.

  • Packed with clear examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts and methodologies used in Six Sigma.
  • Looks at both managerial and statistical aspects of Six Sigma, covering both basic and more advanced statistical techniques.
  • Provides a chapter featuring case studies, equipping readers with the tools and techniques to apply methodology to real situations.
  • Suitable for adoption in all courses for Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt
  • Features a supporting website containing datasets

Well suited for Master level students in engineering and quality management, as well as MBA. Quality Managers, Consultants, and public and private companies implementing Six Sigma will also benefit greatly from the book.

About the Author

Stefano Barone received his PhD in Applied Statistics in 2000 from the University of Naples (Italy). After having worked for two years as a post doc researcher at ELASIS (FIAT Research Centre), at University of Naples and then at Chalmers University of Technology, he became Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Palermo, Faculty of Engineering. In 2005-2006 he served as council member and vice president of ENBIS, the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics of which he was one of the founders. In 2008 he was awarded a Fulbright visiting research grant and worked at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA). For the past three years he was Associate Professor (Docent) of Industrial Statistics at Chalmers University of Technology where he was responsible for the Six Sigma Black Belt education at Master level.

Eva Lo Franco actively collaborates to the chair of Statistical Quality Control at the University of Palermo (Italy) since 2003. She got her PhD in Economic Statistics in 2005. In 2006–2009 she was research fellow dealing with "education on quality and quality of education" especially at University. She had experience with the implementation of quality management systems and models both in public administration and SMEs. She is a senior assessor for the Italian Quality Award. She currently teaches Statistical Quality Control for the School of Economics and Basic Statistics for the bachelor program in Managerial Engineering.

In this Book

  • Six Sigma Methodology
  • Basic Managerial Techniques
  • Basic Statistical Techniques
  • Advanced Managerial Techniques
  • Advanced Statistical Techniques
  • Six Sigma Methodology in Action—Selected Black Belt Projects in Swedish Organisations


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