Start with Hello: How to Convert Today's Stranger into Tomorrow's Client

  • 2h 46m
  • Linda Coles
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2013

Good communication with colleagues and clients is an important aspect of doing business successfully. But if you're only talking to your associates, you're missing out on half the story and leaving money on the table. Start with "Hello" reveals how the most successful businesspeople and leaders share an overlooked and underappreciated talent—the ability to engage and communicate with strangers in productive, creative ways. Put simply, people like to do business with people they know, like, and trust. So get to know more people! Even if you don't think of yourself as the most outgoing person, you can learn to be more open and engaging to strangers. The book explains simple, key aspects of communication that make it easy to connect with new people, including behavioral styles, body language, and eye contact. Add together simple tips for starting conversations and following-up on them, and you'll be well on your way to making the business connections that count.

  • Features straightforward guidance for anyone who needs help building new connections with new people
  • Written by a high-profile expert and thought leader in the art of relationship building
  • Includes real stories that reveal how often chance meetings and conversations develop into profitable business relationships

In a small, hyper-connected world, today's stranger might be tomorrow's client. If you want to boost your business prospects in simple, practical ways, Start with "Hello" is the resource for you.

About the Author

Linda Coles is the founder of Blue Banana, which trains businesspeople in the use of social media in online branding and business development. As a consultant, Linda has spoken to a wide range of companies and organisations. She is also the author of Learn Marketing with Social Media in 7 Days.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Opening Story
  • Chapter 1: Is the Internet Limiting Serendipity?
  • Chapter 2: Action Brings Activity
  • Chapter 3: Find the Commonality
  • Chapter 4: How Behaviour Determines Outcomes
  • Chapter 5: Sameness Creates Comfort, Difference Creates Opportunity
  • Chapter 6: Making a Positive First Impression
  • Chapter 7: Networking Freestyle — Make the First Move
  • Chapter 8: Networking at Events
  • Chapter 9: Be Web Worthy
  • Chapter 10: Digital Etiquette and Body Language
  • Chapter 11: Don’t Forget the Telephone
  • Chapter 12: Create a Strategy
  • Chapter 13: Behavioural Profiles
  • Chapter 14: Networking Socially
  • Chapter 15: Mind Your Manners


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