Stand Out: How to Build Your Leadership Presence

  • 3h 4m
  • Carol Kinsey Goman
  • Kogan Page
  • 2021

Leadership presence doesn't come with a title or promotion - good leaders develop presence over time. Leadership presence is how you show up and contribute to meetings, and whether or not you can project confidence and poise under pressure - do you have already have a presence?

Leadership presence is that elusive "we know it when we see it" quality. You may have a leadership title or tremendous leadership potential, but that alone does not give you presence. Being perceived as a leader when interacting with customers, peers or executives is the essence of leadership presence. Your leadership presence is evaluated by others based on how you show up and contribute in meetings, how well you project confidence and keep poise under pressure and whether you can engage others in ways that are authentic, empathetic and motivational. Stand Out walks you through achieving this presence so you get that next promotion and give your career that extra boost.

Stand Out explains that the goal of leadership presence is to align other people's impression of you with your best authentic self. Body language expert and executive coach Carol Kinsey Goman teaches the five essential skills needed: composure, connection, confidence, credibility and charisma. She also explains how leadership presence is different for women, how nonverbal communication builds or destroys presence and why self-promotion is essential. This book shows aspiring and experienced leaders alike how to more positively influence the impression they make on others.

About the Author

Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D is an international keynote speaker for corporations, conferences, universities, and government agencies, based in Berkeley, CA. She is an authority on the impact of body language, and is a California-based executive coach specializing in assisting senior managers and leaders prepare for C-suite roles by increasing their leadership presence.

Her speaking engagements are designed to give audiences powerful and practical strategies that can be implemented immediately. She is a sought-after presenter, whose list of clients span more than 300 organizations in 26 countries including: corporate giants like FedEx, General Electric and AT&T; high-tech firms like Amazon, Google and LinkedIn; healthcare organizations like Kaiser Permanente and Adventist Health System West; financial institutions like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Guardian Insurance; government agencies like the Department of Energy, Department of Veteran Affairs and the Library of Congress; women's conferences like the CFS Society Women's Symposium and the UNC School of Government; and international firms such as Petroleos de Venezuela, the Royal Bank of Canada and British Petroleum.

She is author of twelve business books and a popular video course for Linkedin Learning, entitled "Body Language for Leaders".

Her expertise has been cited in The Wall Street Journal, Industry Week, Investors Business Daily, CNN's Business Unusual, PBS Marketplace, the Washington Post's "On Leadership" column, MarketWatch radio, and the NBC Nightly News.

She has served as an adjunct faculty member at John F. Kennedy University in the International MBA program, at the University of California in the Executive Education Department, and for the Chamber of Commerce of the United States at their Institutes for Organization Management. She is a current faculty member for the Institute for Management Studies, presenting seminars throughout the United States and Europe.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Leadership Presence
  • Credibility
  • Confidence
  • Composure
  • Connection
  • Charisma
  • Body Language for Leadership Presence
  • Self-Promotion
  • Leadership Presence for Women
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership Presence
  • Conclusion—Leading in Times of Uncertainty and Change
  • Notes


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