SSL/TLS Security and Troubleshooting

  • 32m
  • Aditya Lad, Prasoon Dwivedi
  • EMC
  • 2015

We live in a world of digital communication and cryptography has become an essential part of it. The importance of cryptography and encrypted communication was highlighted best in World War 2, when allied cryptographers were able to break the encryption techniques used by the axis powers. The stories are glorious and workings of ENIGMA still fascinate crypto-scientists because it helped changing the course of World War 2. The attempts to break an encrypted communication have existed since the beginning of encryption. The worst nightmare of a user of crypto services is that someone super smart has secretly found a way to read their encrypted messages. The vastness of attacks possible today on a crypto-based eco system makes it tough to understand and evaluate the practical risk involved. It is not a surprise: it is challenging even for security experts to keep up with new forms of crypto attacks, understand their complexity and working, and evaluate the practical risks involved. Although the science of encryption-decryption commonly known as cryptography is very old and detailed, we will cover brief parts of it that are related to SSL.

In this Book

  • SSL/TLS Security and Troubleshooting
  • Introduction
  • History of SSL
  • Major Versions of SSL/TLS and Highlights
  • Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authentication in TLS
  • Anatomy of SSL/TLS Communication at the Packet Level
  • SSL/TLS Protocol Structure
  • A Note on Other Encrypted Services and Protocols
  • Difference Between SSH and SSL
  • Understanding Cipher-suites
  • Testing SSL/TLS for Security
  • SSL Providers and Libraries
  • Checklist—Popular and Common Attacks in Recent Years
  • Recommendations for Selecting, Configuring, and Installing TLS Server and Clients
  • Summary and Conclusion
  • References