SQL Server T-SQL Recipes, Fourth Edition

  • 13h 7m
  • Jason Brimhall, Jonathan Gennick, Wayne Sheffield
  • Apress
  • 2015

SQL Server T-SQL Recipes is an example-based guide to the Transact-SQL language that is at the core of SQL Server. This edition has been lightly updated for SQL Server 2014 and provides ready-to-implement solutions to common programming and database administration tasks. Learn to create databases, create in-memory tables and stored procedures, insert and update data, generate reports, secure your data, and more. Tasks and their solutions are broken down into a problem/solution format that is quick and easy to read so that you can get the job done fast when the pressure is on.

Solutions in this book are divided into chapters by problem domain. Each chapter is a collection of solutions around a single facet of the language such as writing queries, managing indexes, error handling, and query performance. Each solution is presented code-first, giving you a working code example to copy from and implement immediately in your own environment. Following each example is an in-depth description of how and why the given solution works. Tradeoffs and alternative approaches are also discussed.

  • Focused on solutions: Look up what you need to do. Learn how to do it. Do it.
  • Current: Lightly updated for SQL Server 2014
  • Comprehensive: Covers all common T-SQL problem domains

What you’ll learn

  • Create databases, tables, and indexes
  • Query and manipulate data
  • Move business logic into the database
  • Build reports that matter to your business.
  • Perform common backup and recovery tasks
  • Take advantage of window functions in your SQL

About the Authors

Jason Brimhall is first and foremost a family man. He has 15+ yrs experience in IT and has worked with SQL Server starting with SQL Server 6.5. He has worked for both large and small companies in varied industries. He has experience in performance tuning, high transaction environments, large environments, and VLDBs. He is currently a DB Architect and an MCITP for SQL 2008. Jason regularly volunteers for PASS and is the VP of the Las Vegas User Group (SSSOLV). You can read more more from Jason on his blog at: hjasonbrimhall.info.

Wayne Sheffield started working with databases in the late 1980's, using DBase, Foxbase and FoxPro. With over twenty years in the IT industry, he has worked with SQL Server database systems (starting from version 6.5) since the late 1990's in various development and administration roles, with an emphasis in performance tuning. He is author of several articles at www.sqlservercentral.com, and enjoys sharing his knowledge by presenting at various SQL PASS events and posting on his blog at ttp://blog.waynesheffield.com/wayne.

Jonathan Gennick/strong is an Apress Assistant Editorial Director with responsibility for database topics. He is line-leader for Apress's Oracle and SQL Server lines. He publishes carefully-chosen database books of a general nature. He maintains a keen interest in books across all lines that touch upon relational databases. p p In his last position before changing to an editorial career, Jonathan rose to the rank of Manager at KPMG Consulting (now BearingPoint). There he delivered development and system integration services to state and local government clients. He was noted for his troubleshooting skills and his ability to smoothly navigate the oft-turbulant waters between client management, consultants from competing firms, and client technical personnel. Jonathan has experience with languages and technologies such as Mumps, COBOL, Powerbuilder, various assembly-languages. He is well-known and widely-published for his expertise with Oracle Database and the attendendant languages SQL and PL/SQL.

In this Book

  • Getting Started with Select
  • Elementary Programming
  • Working with Nulls
  • Querying from Multiple Tables
  • Aggregations and Grouping
  • Advanced Select Techniques
  • Windowing Functions
  • Inserting, Updating, Deleting
  • Working with Strings
  • Working with Dates and Times
  • Working with Numbers
  • Transactions, Locking, Blocking, and Deadlocking
  • Managing Tables
  • Managing Views
  • Managing Large Tables and Databases
  • Managing Indexes
  • Stored Procedures
  • User-Defined Functions and Types
  • In-Memory OLTP
  • Triggers
  • Error Handling
  • Query Performance Tuning
  • Hints
  • Index Tuning and Statistics
  • Xml
  • Files, Filegroups, and Integrity
  • Backup
  • Recovery
  • Principals and Users
  • Securables, Permissions, and Auditing
  • Objects and Dependencies


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