Speaker, Leader, Champion: Succeed at Work Through the Power of Public Speaking
- 3h 24m
- Jeremey Donovan, Ryan Avery
- McGraw-Hill
- 2014
Toastmasters, a name synonymous with public speaking, is dedicated to developing its members’ communication and leadership skills.
Now Distinguished Toastmaster Jeremey Donovan and Public Speaking World Champion Ryan Avery break down the winning speeches from Toastmasters’ prestigious annual competition—providing you with tips and techniques guaranteed to improve your speaking, presentation, and communication skills. They also include a special section of insights and advice for readers who aspire to become serious public speaking competitors.
About the Authors
Jeremey Donovan is a Distinguished Toastmaster and TEDx organizer. He is the bestselling author of How to Deliver a TED Talk.
Ryan Avery is the 2012 World Champion of Public Speaking and an Emmy Award–winning journalist.
In this Book
Speaker Leader Champion—Succeed at Work Through the Power of Public Speaking
Introduction—Gaining the Speaking Edge
Selecting a Topic
Organizing a Speech
Telling Stories
Using Humor
Amplifying Emotional Texture
Crafting Engaging Language
Mastering Verbal Delivery
Managing Nonverbal Delivery
Designing Compelling Visual Aids
Managing Fear and Anxiety
Getting in the Speaking Zone
Insights from the World Champions of Public Speaking
Public Speaking Quick Reference Guide